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RE: An Unnecessary Evil, Memoir Monday #8

in Silver Bloggers10 months ago

That is a good question because the rest of us got the shots in school.
I got the first COVID shot and my arm hurt for days, when I got the 2nd one it was worse, I told my husband that I would never get another one, this thought just came to me, a year or so ago every time I looked down I started getting a numb feeling on the left side of my face, it would travel down my left arm, then my leg and I would fall, once on the floor I shake like I am having a seizure. They have run tons of tests and can not find anything wrong. Maybe the shots caused this.


Absolutely they did. Do not get any more vaccines, another would paralyze you. The doctors who have seen you probably know this, but they know, too, that if they acknowledge this is a vaccine injury, they will likely lose their jobs and never find another one, so they continue to lie to their patients. The covid con corrupted a great many of us. We must say no the next time.

Thank you, I will never get another one, even if that is not the cause of my falling, the pain and how my arm swelled was enough for me. It did not affect my husband.

Come to think of it, my husband's friend got the regular flu shot, before covid, and he could no longer walk, they ran tests on him and could not find the reason. He was very healthy before the flu shot.

Yes, they are all dangerous. All of them. Don't get any. When the covid con first started, I found evidence that most of the people who got covid had gotten flu shot prior to getting sick.