Memoir Monday #33 What is one of the best photographs you’ve ever taken?

in Silver Bloggers3 days ago

This is my post for #memoirmonday #33 prompt What is one of the best photographs you’ve ever taken? hosted by @ericvancewalton

I have always loved the colors so I guess it is my best photo

It is so hard to pick only one photo, I made a whole other post with photos that I like but then I thought about this prompt, what is one of the best, I guess that means only one photo. But still, I am not one to follow rules very well so here are some that I like.

I like this one, too.

And this one

A dolphin that was following my boat.
I love it when I take a picture of a random object like this tree stump and when I upload it I see a face of a dog, hint it is looking to the left.
photos are mine


All are wonderful. But, no doubt, the first three are the best!

Thank you, and I do not use filters, the sky really looked pink.

 2 days ago  

Those are some great ones! I especially like the one of the bird soaring in the clouds.

Thank you for liking them, I could not choose just one.

I can see why you couldn't narrow it down to just one! I really like the very first one, and the dolphin. I can't narrow it down to just one, either! One of the best photos I have ever taken was in Europe in the 1970s, on slide film, and it got lost. Bummer.

That is terrible, I hate to lose a picture, since they are no longer on film I worry about losing all of mine, I have them on the cloud and on external hard drives. I have some on an old computer but it crashed and I do not know how to get them off of the old hard drive.