memoir monday #27 What is your best relationship advice?

in Silver Bloggers7 days ago

This is my post for #memoirmonday prompt What is your best relationship advice?


I do not like to give relationship advice to others but I would say the best advice I could give would be to listen to each other don't just hear what is being said, listen to each word, and show the other that you care what they are saying. Never stop talking to each other.

If you think the other will not listen to your words, you could always handcuff them until they hear you.

My two sisters got married at the same time that we did but their marriages did not last, maybe because they were not handcuffed together. We are going on 38 years of marriage, 40 years of being together so I would say we are doing something right.
photos are mine


My advice for so many things is actually listen!

Do your sisters get envious of your marriage I wonder?

Yes there is a big difference in hearing what someone says and really listening to their words.

They might but they have never said it to me.

I appreciate your view

Thank you, many things can be solved through talking and listening to each other.