Memoir Monday 46/ What Makes You Sad?

in Silver Bloggers2 months ago (edited)


Excellent week everyone.

here the invitation with its rules to be part of this contest .


What makes you sad?

The topic of emotions is very worked from the intellectual point of view as part of the emotions that every human being can feel in his body, what makes him feel, how he expresses it, in case of being a low emotion how can he do to overcome it or improve in that type of emotions that for some circumstance he goes through.

Sadness is one of the emotions I feel that is very much taken into account because there is the manifestation of it in the way of speaking, acting of the people in your environment that you regularly frequent or live your day to day. It can be caused by external factors that still do not realize that what is outside we can not control, are situations that are out of our hands, somehow affects when there is no awareness of what we allow to make us feel certain situations.

When I refer to the external, situations that affect the collective and because we belong to a collective there is a belief that we should all feel sadness because the majority feels sadness.


I have learned that first we must allow ourselves to feel inside us, identify that emotion that we call sadness, look at it, accept it, face it, tell it why are you here, can I do something with you? This is a practice that becomes simple when we reach that point of understanding our internal process and what we can do in it, discover, control without allowing the emotion to affect our day, change the perspective towards that event that makes us sad.

There are situations that if I felt a lot of sadness in me, step by step I have been looking at them from the inside and I have applied to look at them with love, convert them, change the perception towards them so that the acceptance of that situation that one day moved me towards sadness occurs, today it allows me to learn other things, to have knowledge and feed the positive of it.


A situation that I lived more than 20 years ago with the death of my father, a lot of sadness in me for what happened that I could not stop crying wherever I was. With the passing of time I learned that the departure of human beings is something that must happen when God disposes it and how He disposes it. That emptiness that remains is filled with love, today I am filled with much love when I remember him and I value very much what he did for us.

The departure from Venezuela of my two sons, 19 and 24 years old at that time, was an abrupt departure as if looking to save them from future paths that have to do with prosperity, tranquility, although this separation brought tears and pain on both sides, those desires to be together in the days of celebration, today I look at it from another perspective ... certain things happened, experiences in their adaptation, the types of work they had to do, I feel calm to see them for me triumphant in how they have handled these situations and how they have risen to such circumstances. I consider them very brave. In addition to the departure of my children, nephews and nieces, this brings that the family reunions are with very few people because everyone is in their own thing to achieve goals.

It made me very sad the physical departure of my mother, with a lot of pain, but I have understood the designs of God and something beyond that has to do with the soul of every human being.

I am saddened by the darkness that exists in the world due to situations and actions of groups or policies of the countries that involve the members of a country, achieving the bias towards what the groups that have the strength to do what they want decide.

There are so many beauties around us that contemplating them makes us feel the wonders we are surrounded by, be it people or nature.

So far my participation.


Content property of the author.
Cover image edited in Canva with its free resources, by the author.
January, 2025
Photographs property of the author from her personal gallery.
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If you are up for participating this week from #SilverBloggers
This time @ericvancewalton in collaboration with the #silverbloggers community invites us to participate in the writing contest with this week's suggested theme in #memoirmonday #46, each week there is a theme that allows us to evoke lived stories of our own and with our family members that we are recording according to the weekly invitation.

Hello @mercmarg

Silver Bloggers’ Community Team.This is @tengolotodo and I'm part of the

Thank you for sharing your excellent post in the Silver Bloggers community! As a special "token" of appreciation for this contribution to our community, it has been upvoted, reblogged and curated.


Thank you, thank you very much @tengolotodo

I have identified with every part of your reflections.
Since my father's death I have been sensitive to events, and a departure is not easy.
The pain of each departure in Venezuela, in the vicinity, has overcome me at times.... Things should not be like this.
But we are on this platform accompanied, and that is important.
A thousand thanks for giving us these lines, my dear @mercmarg

This experience of the departure of the children due to situations in the country made me think of so many people who about 60 years ago left Europe in search of economic and other improvements, who became part of this nation. I said that the history of 60 years ago is repeating itself and I put myself in the context of what those families felt, some of them succeeded in reuniting, others did not.Thank you @emiliorios

Translated with (free version)

I think most Venezuelans can clearly feel the sadness of which you speak. To see how young people leave the country and to understand that it is for their own good, so that they may have a good future is an act of acceptance and even though the separation causes us sadness, we rejoice for their flight, for the new life they are undertaking and the success they will live. Greetings

that is the certainty that sustains me now
GreetingsSo it is @nancybriti1