The pandemic changed a lot of what we knew. Some were affected more than others, some had their marital status changed, others went through the great pain of the death of their partner, family or friends, others had their jobs changed, maybe our bodies changed....
taken this design from the following link: (
We like to think our way but when we go through something like this is that we understand something like. "The heart of man devises his course, but his steps are directed by the Lord." Proverbs 16:9 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways," declares the Lord. My ways and my thoughts are higher than yours, higher than the heavens above the earth! New International Version - English (NIV) I can only talk about myself and share my process, I know that everyone had theirs and it is good to know that I was not the only one. I just know that in one moment everything, everything changed, at least for me. My work stopped completely, staying at home, going through the illness of my mother who lives with us, and the deficiencies of basic services in Venezuela (such as power outages, lack of water and gas supply, among others). Oh the pandemic time changed my plans and even my body (well, it was not the pandemic but my mouth that decided to eat hehehehe). Anyway, a little before the pandemic I was having a very good time at work, I had planned many months of what would be a wonderful time of making good money and was on the rise when everything stopped, I have worked for years as photograper, taking pictures of graduating, my job was in schools, and these closed. Even today after more than a year and a half I have had to start restructuring everything, what I will work on from now on, I am still looking. Now we can breathe that my mom is better and does not need 24 hours a day care, I thank God. It is now that I sit down to plan everything again, even without knowing if everything will happen as planned, I will look for where to go. It is exciting to think of all that I can do, at 43 years old I can choose what I want to learn again and go for it, expand myself, have hope and dreams to fulfill when it comes to work.And in the midst of so many changes, and without much I could do, I got to know what are the apps to meet people (I’m a widow since years), and it was a unique experience, as I met everything, for alleged scammers, men who believe that I work as a hotline or virtual porn (terms I discovered on these sites hahaha), but I was surprised to meet the most beautiful thing that I left the pandemic is… rediscovering what it is to love. And I met a wonderful man named Dale, and here all my plans changed, now the plans are to love, move to another part of the world, take care of 3 children (I thought I would not have more children, and now I have this immense privilege to do it again, be a mom) .... I keep looking to learn and train myself in new things to work from anywhere.
I remain of you, for what there is to read and write.
The photos and design that have no links are of my authorship.
A few days ago I wrote a post about what the pandemic left me, and one of the things it left me was many extra kilos, I leave you the link Is part of the planned goals, which took this pandemic. Getting in shape and of course my mouth helped. And change my plans in the way I share my process, even gave me new plans, now in them include writing as a means of telling and if possible help others through what come out in these words, I met this wonderful window that is this platform Hive, and as it took me while remembering my grandparents to discover how words flow telling my story in one of the first I wrote (here I leave the link of what I call my awakening through the history of my generations, and I'm not advertising myself hehehe), also this platform changed the way to make new acquaintances, colleagues and friends. Maybe find some job, if any of you know of any, hehehe
Finding love ..that really cute...
And how you were able to cope all through the pandemic... you're a strong type... well-done champ..
I think we were all surprised at ourselves in coping with the pandemic, I imagine you came out of this victorious too and I look forward to reading your story. thanks for your comment.
True though...yea.. I already post a story too about it...we all came out victorious
Great to have such a positive outlook, if only more people could think and act like you, this old world will be a better place;)
Silver-Blond Lizzie Thank you for your #bow contribution!