Today there is a tendency to ‘See but do not observe’

in Silver Bloggers2 days ago

Hoy en día hay una tendencia a "ver pero no mirar"


Hola amigos de Silver Blogger y de Hive en general. Elegí este tema para mi post hace unos días cuando leí algo que escribió mi hija y cito: "Y a veces pienso que logro ser invisible". Y yo le agregaría: es probable que seas invisible a los ojos de la gente que sólo ve, pero no mira.

Ver es percibir con los ojos algo mediante la acción de la luz. Mirar es el acto consciente y deliberado. Para ello necesitamos ejercer la voluntad. Entonces he aquí el gran problema al que nos enfrentamos hoy.

Esa sensación la siento a cada rato en cuanto salgo a la calle. Y créanme que no pretendo generalizar, pero les diré por qué.

El cubano siempre se ha caracterizado por su hospitalidad, su solidaridad, el compañerismo. El cubano siempre ha sido educado, atento, humano hasta el punto de considerar al vecino como familia. Amigo de los amigos, somos muy fáciles para relacionarnos, alegres, inteligentes y sobre todo tenemos un buen sentido del humor.

De un tiempo a esta parte la crisis económica que afecta a nuestro país ha traído profundos problemas en lo social, cultural y si a esto le sumamos la separación de las familias por el éxodo de la población hacia otros países, también ha lacerado todas esas cualidades que el cubano tenía.

Hay tantas preocupaciones en la población que han incidido sustancialmente en el carácter y el comportamiento de muchos cubanos, he aquí lo que más me ha motivado a escribir sobre esto y lo que lastima ver cómo nuestra gente todo lo que ha aprendido durante años lo ha olvidado.

Seré yo invisible que hay conocidos y amigos que pasan por nuestro lado y ni siquiera se tomen el trabajo de saludar y no es que quiera que se detengan y nos abracemos o nos besemos, cosa que hemos suprimido de los saludos después dela COVID, pero existen miles de palabras asociadas al saludo y gestos que también lo indican. Es tan bonito encontrarnos con un amigo o un conocido y poder compartir un saludo, demostrar alegría por el encuentro, un gesto amable, una sonrisa y quizás hasta un consejo para mitigar las preocupaciones de ambas partes. Hoy lo necesitamos tanto.


Este fenómeno no es sólo en las relaciones humanas, vemos y no miramos, o mejor, no queremos prestarle atención a las indisciplinas sociales que no combatimos o denunciamos y que a la larga van a destruir nuestro hermoso país. Entiendo que todas las personas no piensan igual y tampoco actúan igual y no podemos arreglar el mundo, pero si en nuestro interés está, todos podemos lograrlo.

Este nuestro parque se destruye y quienes están encargados de cuidarlo no se ocupan ni preocupan y tampoco miran con detenimiento cómo esto ocurre día tras día. Muy pronto no podremos ir a sentarnos a tomar el sol o a la sombra y disfrutar del canto de las aves.

¿Será que podamos algún día revertir esta situación y que seamos como antes? ¿Podremos ver lo que nuestra vista abarque y mirar detenidamente a la gente y a las cosas y lograr estar conformes con nosotros mismos?

Yo en lo particular intento cada día hacer algo por revertir en mi radio de acción estos comportamientos, pero algunos son receptivos, otros no aceptan o no quieren aceptar la ayuda para enmendar las malas actitudes. Puede que a la larga y en algún momento de sus vidas lo entiendan.

¿Estaré yo equivocada? ¿Será que sólo a mí me afectan estos comportamientos y que sólo yo intento revertirlos? ¿O se necesita la ayuda de muchos más?



Hello friends of Silver Blogger and Hive in general. I chose this topic for my post a few days ago when I read something my daughter wrote and I quote: ‘And sometimes I think I manage to be invisible’. And I would add: you are likely to be invisible to the eyes of people who only see, but don't look.

To see is to perceive something with the eyes through the action of light. To look is the conscious and deliberate act. For that we need to exercise the will. So here is the big problem we face today.

I get that feeling all the time when I go out on the street. And believe me, I don't mean to generalise, but I'll tell you why.

Cubans have always been characterised by their hospitality, their solidarity, their companionship. Cubans have always been polite, attentive, humane to the point of considering our neighbours as family. We are friends with friends, we are very easy to get along with, cheerful, intelligent and above all we have a good sense of humour.

For some time now, the economic crisis affecting our country has brought profound social and cultural problems, and if we add to this the separation of families due to the exodus of the population to other countries, it has also damaged all those qualities that Cubans used to have.

There are so many concerns in the population that have substantially affected the character and behaviour of many Cubans, and this is what has motivated me most to write about this, and it hurts to see how our people have forgotten everything they have learnt over the years.

It is not that I am invisible that there are acquaintances and friends who pass by us and do not even take the trouble to say hello, and it is not that I want them to stop and hug or kiss us, which we have removed from greetings after COVID, but there are thousands of words associated with greetings and gestures that also indicate this. It is so nice to meet a friend or acquaintance and be able to share a greeting, to show joy at the encounter, a kind gesture, a smile and perhaps even a piece of advice to ease the worries of both parties. We need it so much today.


This phenomenon is not only in human relations, we see and do not look, or rather, we do not want to pay attention to the social indisciplines that we do not fight or denounce and that in the long run will destroy our beautiful country. I understand that all people do not think and act alike and we cannot fix the world, but if it is in our interest, we can all do it.

This park of ours is being destroyed and those who are in charge of taking care of it do not care, do not care and do not watch closely how this is happening day after day. Soon we will no longer be able to sit in the sun or shade and enjoy the birdsong.

Will we ever be able to reverse this situation and be like we were before? Will we be able to see as far as our eyes can see and look closely at people and things and be content with ourselves?

I personally try every day to do something to reverse these behaviours within my radius of action, but some are receptive, others do not accept or do not want to accept help to mend bad attitudes. Maybe in the long run and at some point in their lives they will understand.

Am I wrong, am I the only one affected by these behaviours and am I the only one trying to reverse them, or does it take the help of many others?


All images are my property
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Leerte me hizo pensar... hay tantas cosas hermosas en la vida, hasta el aleteo de una mariposa y la gente no mira, no observa, solo ve que pasa algo. Y esto a su vez recordando un video de tu hija donde aparece un ángel. Las señales estan en la vida a cada paso y prestar atención es un ejercicio del día a día hasta que se hace habitual y es allí donde nos volvemos receptivos al 100%.

Abrazo grande!🤗

Así es querida amiga, son muchos los ejemplos relacionados con el tema. Las personas se pierden lo mejor y más bonito de la vida al no detenerse a mirar. Un abrazo y feliz domingo.🥰❤️❤️❤️

Totalmente de acuerdo. Que tengas un hermoso día!😘

Hi @mamani, I see you're still trying to make your mark. What you say, as you describe it, seems a new phenomenon in Cuba, here in Europe we live it every day for decades. A counter-natural culture has been imposed, we are social animals, and we behave as if there was nothing else in the universe but ourselves and our selfishness. We will see where all this loss of values will lead us.

A big hug @mamani.

It is a pity that people lose their good habits, it is a social problem worthy of study. I have only mentioned a part of it, I could have gone deeper. It is true that our current situation is difficult, but the more difficulties we have, the more we must raise awareness and help each other, that's what I think. So you think I'm leaving footprints, because that's what I intend to do, but I still have a lot to learn. You help me a lot and support me and I am very grateful. A big hug, and happy Sunday. 🤗🥰

Hello @mamani

Silver Bloggers’ Community Team.This is @tengolotodo and I'm part of the

Thank you for sharing your excellent post in the Silver Bloggers community! As a special "token" of appreciation for this contribution to our community, it has been upvoted, reblogged and curated.


Thank you very much for your support, I consider myself part of you. Greetings to all and happy Sunday.🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️

You keep doing your part. Here people throw their rubbish in the corner next to the drain, but I go to 100 to throw mine away, and when they see me and tell me something I explain to them that everyone should do that, because the drain can get dirty and nobody comes there to pick it up afterwards, and that creates dirt and sources of infection that affect us.
Yesterday I saw Ileana sending her son to throw out the rubbish in 100.

And about the park, get your friends together and bring their own benches and sit near the bench that is destroyed and see if anyone realises that it needs to be fixed.
Go every day and sit there for a while. 😄