Spider bites can turn out really nasty, right?
'Yes, I know,' I always said, nodding my head up and down in agreement, as if I knew all about it!
It's summertime, and our lush tropical garden is looking gorgeous, and the ideal habitat for the birds and the bees, pesky mosquitoes, spiders, and all kinds of slithery creatures as well. Thankfully the latter have stayed out of sight, likely courtesy of Mr. Poe, who thinks he's the king of the castle!
Green Mamba, and has been in hospital for more than three weeks already with many complications. Please keep Joan, her hubby Rob, and their family in your thoughts and prayers.On a more serious note, @joanstewart's husband was bitten by a
Incy Wincy Spider...
I've been on the warpath ever since I felt an itch just above my ankle a week ago. At first, I thought it was a mosquito that went to town feasting on my blood, but when I looked the following day, the whole area was red, and five tiny blisters had formed. It became uglier as the days passed and the blisters got bigger. None of the photos to see if there was improvement will be leaked anywhere! Words like monkeypox, shingles, etc. popped into my head;)
Doctor's verdict - an allergic reaction to a spider bite, with bacteria spreading around it, so I needed a course of antibiotics. I tried keeping my leg elevated when sitting, impossible to do so when sitting at my desk, so I've only popped into Hive occasionally!
After this morning's inspection, it seems that the treatment is finally kicking in, so I'm holding thumbs!
Welcome to our garden
However, uninvited guests showed up a couple of weeks ago - the mozzies have arrived in droves!
I've been hanging bunches of Lavender and Jasmine in my windows, my oil diffuser's been doing double duty, bedroom sprayed with 'Peaceful Sleep (room spray)' when I'm busy cooking.
What I cannot understand is that there's always one escapee, just one, no more, that finds its way into my bedroom and comes buzzing around my head in the early hours of the morning!
Can you picture a half-asleep woman going beserk trying to swot a mozzie zooming around her head? It must be quite a sight! When I succeed and see blood spattering everywhere, I know it's mine!
I hate sleeping with closed windows, but when I'm too tired to chase mosquitos in the wee hours of the morning, I give in, and turn on the aircon which chases those die-hard mozzies!
Summertime's only now really started so there are still many months of mozzie warfare ahead!
BnB happenings
Christmas holidays are approaching, bookings have shot up, and will surely make up for the dismal October bookings!
Most of the bookings are for fairly long stays which makes life way easier. The nights of 31 December and 1 January are blocked out, don't need any New Year's revelry in my back garden for sure!
Of course, the requests that never stop are:
I'd like to book your cottage, we'll be two couples, but can we invite friends over for a braai (BBQ)...it's my wife's birthday...our anniversary...blah blah blah?
How many friends, ask I.
I think we'll only be about 18.
'Sorry sir, but we do not host functions and do not allow visitors.'
And another request that raises my hackles:
Do you guys do hourly bookings?
A very indignant reply from me. 'Definitely not!'
I usually hit the red button on my phone, but some of these pesky people are die-hards, almost like those mozzies!
Ok, then do you have a daily rate, we won't need to sleep over?
A quick retort from me. 'No, we don't!!!!'
Many still keep on trying.
What do you charge for one night?
My voice is icy by now! 'Our minimum stay is two nights!!!'
The real hard-up die-hard inquirer, or maybe someone trying to set up office here, asks:
How much?
I give those pesky callers an exorbitant rate, which quickly chases them!
I'm not alone in getting those kinds of requests, it's well-known in the hospitality industry.
Our wonderful guests
We still have business bookings for the beginning of December from regulars, and then the holiday guests. We have always been blessed with wonderful people coming to our Lily's Cottage, and I'm hoping that will be so this year again!
Travelling Solo
I'm getting used to being a solo traveller, but miss my man always. I'm not looking forward to Christmas. He was a big presence during special family celebrations and left a gaping hole in my heart.
This will be the second Christmas.

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Sorry you got bitten - it sure does not sound pleasant! (Hosting over NY doesn't sound much better either, to be honest, although your place seems so peaceful and lovely - I'm not the wild party type, but if I was, why would I come wreck your lovely home? Some people have no respect)
It might not always seem like it, but from outside, it's so obvious and so beautiful, watching you bloom into this new person over the past couple of years. You're doing wonderfully <3
Awe my lovely friend, I so appreciate you, thank you for that❤️
It's the first time a spider bite turned so nasty, it must have been pretty poisonous.
I hope you're keeping well @honeydue 🤗
Wow your summers are glorious but I really don't know if I could handle spiders biting me. Hope it's better now.
Hourly rate!!!😅 It's funny but it must be frustrating to deal with such requests. As if they need a quaint lovely cottage. There's all kinds in this world.
Anyway I wish you a successful turnout for the holidays and smooth sailing.😊
It's the first time I've had a spider bite like this! Almost healed, it looked awful. I may have been bitten when trimming a plant as I stepped into an overgrown area.
Those hourly rate people look like they're trying to set up shop for holiday 'special offers'🫣 as other guesthouses are also getting many such requests at the moment, maybe Black Friday specials😅
December bookings are looking good.
Thank you for your support en encouragement my friend!
Ha ha I was thinking something totally different.
Is November summer season at your place? We are entering in Winter. I heard Australia has summer during this time,so where do you reside?
It was terrifying to hear that Joan's husband was bitten by green mamba. May God heal him soon.
In every industry there are some annoying kind of customers, and then they have complaints against the service providers.
I thought so when you mentioned about the solo journey, but was not sure so asked you.
After being together for decades, it's never easy to live alone. It's an unfillable void. May God give you strength, @lizelle
Joan appreciates all the love from her Hive friends, it's been a harrowing experience!
You're spot on, it truly is an unfillable void.Hi @amberkashif, I live in South Africa, and it's like there are more bugs than ever before!
We lost our father 8 years ago. That's a void for all of us but the way my mom is affected is unparallel. There is no moment when she doesn't miss her
Mosquitoes are everywhere, here after hurricane Rafael there are many that come from the coast and invade the city especially in the evenings. Very annoying when you sleep. I hope you are better with your leg, and that you can have guests according to your needs. Take care of yourself. From what I see you seem stressed, and it's not good at our age. Everything will be fine. A hug, I'll keep an eye on you. 🥰🤗
Have a wonderful Wednesday my friend!Awe thank you @mamani, I appreciate your kindness. I have been stressed so my IBS played up big time. I had a disturbing episode two weeks ago with sudden numbness in my right chest and upper arm for a short period. I actually felt my colon twisting, whereafter the feeling came back. Long story, but it was the spastic colon pressing on a nerve! I've had to learn to slow down, maybe that's why the spider bit me, forcing me to slow down😉
I want to know how you are doing, if you have improved and are calmer. Please let me know. If you are back to sweets and if you are walking a little to de-stress. A hug.🤗🥰❤️
I went out into the countryside with a good friend yesterday, it was so refreshing getting away!
Things are a lot calmer here.
You are such a sweet friend 🧡Awe thank you @mamani, the spider bite is healing, still not 100% but almost there! I was really worried as it took so long to get better. It must have been quite a poisonous spider!
Well, all the more reason to take care of things, as we say in Cuba, don't pick a fight.
Health first. Go back to sweets and the occasional walk and try not to get bitten by a strange bug in the garden. As I said, do not exchange health for money. Distract yourself and don't stress. Happy Wednesday.🥰❤️
Thank you @amberkashif and @hivepakistan <3
Hi my friend, it was so nice to see you again last Saturday afternoon. You must watch that spider bite, they can be quite worrisome sometimes.
I see Poe loves his pose Lol!....your garden is looking beautiful, I miss mine so much.
Thankyou for sharing a great post.
Nice seeing you around the Hive woods again, my friend. I can imagine you missing your garden it was beautifully kept! You can always start something on a smaller scale, a little herb garden would be a start and so satisfying.
Poe is so proud of his white apron and socks😉
Seems scary that spider. Can bite without you noticing it🫤.
Christmas is approaching. I hope you can find joy to look forward to Christmas again. Time heals or you can just live with the pain.♥️
The spider bite took a very long to heal, still a little itchy and has left it's mark on my ankle🫣
Thank you for the visit 😊Thank you @asiaymalay, time does take away the sharp edge and one learns to live with it.
Big hugs Lizzie, and don't scratch that bite. Spiders can be a pain. I still have a scar from when a jumping one sank its fangs to me when I was inspecting an empty house in Florida. And yes the mozzies I know too well!
I think it was when I first felt the itch and scratched without looking that probably set off the bad reaction, and I'm also sure it was one of the jumping spiders as I've seen them around. I've been doing some reorganizing in a storage area! Took my last antibiotic this morning, still not 100%.
Those darn mozzies! Sure you'll enjoy this Toktok video
Have a wonderful Wednesday, Ed <3
@lizelle, I paid out 0.635 HIVE and 0.170 HBD to reward 8 comments in this discussion thread.