Seasons come and seasons go, and so it is in life as well.
We start off as tiny little babes, innocent and trusting and totally dependent on Mom for our every needs.
I've really been blessed with having a big loving family and grew up with both sets of grandparents during my childhood years and as I was the first grandchild on Mom's side, I was spoiled rotten by Ouma and Oupa as well as all the aunts and uncles.
We were five children, me the only girl but both Mom and Dad were amazingly encouraging in everything each one of us did; I honestly don't know how they did it, but then the pace of life was much slower.
My uncle who was Mom's youngest brother, is holding me here, and he probably was the biggest influence on my life, we had a very special bond. He was one of the kindest men I knew and more like an older brother.
Much later in my life a very sad season came to pass when his life was taken by ruthless killers who are still at large. At his memorial a friend and neighbour spoke and said that after their first meeting, she told her son that she thinks she met an angel that day as she had just lost her mother and he spoke to her in the most wonderful way!
Back to Spring...
I was a teen in the late sixties; the era of The Beatles, Woodstock, Hippies; a time of Peace and Love, Psychedelic art, mini skirts as well as midi skirts, bell bottoms, pants suits, jackets with fringes and tie dying which we did ourselves and to finish off the look, one had to wear those little round John Lennon sunglasses.
I was the luckiest teen as my uncle used to design and make my clothes, always the trendiest outfits that would have cost the earth in the boutiques. He taught me to sew as Mom was too busy looking after the five of us, my brothers being real rascals!
My most embarrassing moment however happened when I made a pair of bell bottom pants with Mom's leftover psychedelic upholstery fabric.
Those ended up on the scrap heap after I invited friends in for coffee one evening and I sat down and blended in perfectly with the living room couches covered in the exact same fabric!
Photo by Vasilios Muselimis on Unsplash
I took the liberty of editing this photo adding me peeping through the window with my John Lennon glasses;)
I landed an apprenticeship with a firm of Land Surveyors to become a draughtswoman and met the love of my life through a work mate and got married a couple of years later.
We have two beautiful talented sons who have given us much pleasure over the years.
Family still play a big part in my life but we're spread all over the country and of course when there's a special celebration, the laughter never ends, until it's time to say goodbye!
I had a fulfilling career and ended up working as a Geographic Information Services Technician at our local municipality; I formed many valued friendships over the years and still see some of my special workmates today.
When I reached retirement age, it was time to say goodbye again but I had all my plans in place and started setting up our BnB Lily's Cottage as I certainly was not ready to vegetate in front of the television.
This is where Hive also came to my rescue as it has filled this void of daily interaction with workmates.
Here I am in my new role as a BnB owner on duty for our local tourism organisation at the Tourism Indaba before Covid. This is an annual event showcasing African countries as tourism destinations to the world.
One of the benefits of being retired are pensioners parking bays at large shopping malls;) Hubby and I actually felt quite guilty the first time we used them, but then we are pensioners after all in the eyes of the corporate world;)
In just a couple of years hubby and I will celebrate our golden anniversary but still do not have any grandchildren!!!
We do value our family and friends though and take many short breakaways and have loads of fun, get to dodge the crowds as we go away during the off-peak seasons.
Having a good time with my friend @artywink.
I still believe I have not reached this season, as I am more active than ever before, and although it may be a cliche, it really is true; age is but a number as long as you keep busy, so for now, winter still seems to be a long way off and I have plenty of Hive blogging left in me!

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Hahaha, did you know that I still do not park in the pensioners parking Lady Lizzie?
A wonderfully rich story here and please accept my condolences for you uncle.
I think those killers if they are still alive are getting what they deserve by the nasty gifts of life.
You certainly had a great family life filled with many lovely memories and no wonder that you have things have turned out as well as it did in your life.
All blessings to you.
Thank you my friend, appreciate your kind words! Life certainly deals us with some bad cards at times, and our family have had a couple of unexpected losses way too early in life, but the good times return and softens those blows! I will tell those stories still, when the time is right as it still feels too harsh to put into words!
I know those killers will have to face God one day, but nothing can take away the callous act!! He was someone who would help the world and that's what was his downfall I believe, as he trusted the wrong people!
But I have been immensely blessed and am thankful for that 🙏
Oh yes, I also have lost almost the entire family and only one sister left,
Life deals us these hands and we just have to cope with it Lady Lizzy. Death has somehow played a permanent role in my life, as so many family and friends have passed away over the years. I never thought that I would do funerals one day, but like I said, life deals the cards.
Those killers are already having to face God in this life now my friend. That's why I said that I wonder if they are still alive. Life has a horrible way to get back at one and I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.
At least you have your blessings and somehow there has always been a way out for you, such as recently with the B&B and Hive.
Hope your new week will be great.
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Thank you so much @papilloncharity!
Time moves on and we grow closer as we age but as you say it is just a number and my motto is to enjoy every moment either keeping busy or just having fun and think of it as just a number you definitely have got the right outlook keep on living the dream 😊
That's my feelings exactly, we have to make the most of each day and always expect the best, I believe that's the secret as our thoughts have a much more powerful strength than we realize on what the outcome will be!
Thank you for stopping by @kohsamui99, it's always great seeing you 😊
My pleasure @lizelle and yep so true on that live life to the fullest 👍
I just knew it!! We want more pictures now! It was such a heartfelt post, I loved it. Thanks for sharing a bit of your life.
I've lost some of my pics of that era, have been meaning to ask a special friend who may have some, will certainly share😉
I'm so glad you enjoyed this my friend!You would have loved being a teen in the late 60s @edprivat, I can just see you up there on stage at Woodstock hanging out with the likes of Joan Baez, Janis Joplin, Santana and many others.
Hell yeah, WOODSTOCK was the place to be, Janis's version of Summertime is amazing though she didn't play it at Woodstock (can't find it) , these Iconic moments in Rock history, Santana was tripping on LSD, Hendrix with the American Anthem...
Here a doc
Thank you so much for sharing this, guess what I'm gona be watching tonight!
Really need to get my mind off a lifelong season that's just ended for a close friend in the most cruel manner :(
Truly sorry to hear about your loss, strange times...Another burglery?
No just a man who seems to be losing his mind after a couple of decades of marriage and wants her out, just crazy!
WOW! Yeah probably losing his mind for sure!
It was very interesting to learn more about yourself Lizzie, and it's great that you found a second, and third life after work.
ps your wedding bonnet is so cute, its the first time I've seen one
My other arty uncle made my wedding dress as well as the bridesmaid and two flower-girls' dresses (all my cousins), he used to model in France and Germany back in his heyday. I wanted my favourite uncle to make my dress but he stood back to give his older brother the honours, so that bonnet I guess came from the European influence he had as it's not a typical South African bridal head dress;)I'm so glad you enjoyed reading a bit about this old gal @livinguktaiwan, I really feel that I have been blessed throughout my life by meeting some wonderful people who have come and gone throughout the seasons.
Daai kappie, Lizelle!! I love your dress! And, I have to acknowledge, so of the era.
Good to read, in one post snippets of what you have shared before. A rich life, indeed.
Golden wedding anniversary? What a milestone. Congratulations! We will hit 20 next year, but we are second time rounders!
Daai kappie was nie my gunsteling nie Fiona😉
You know many of my stories and my favourite uncle that was taken from us, was my first choice as the dress designer and maker, but in his gentle manner took the back seat and let his older brother take centre stage, much rivalry there as they were both super talented. So Rulov and I quietly agreed we'd avoid high drama and the older more eccentric uncle was commissioned with the task. Bought the fabric in Joburg and came down 2 weeks before the wedding to make not only my dress, but also the bridesmaid and 2 flower girls AND make the bouquets!
Any other mother would have had a hissy fit, but Mom knew her brother would pull it off, working into the wee hours though!
Glad I could put all those stories into this one blog 😉
'nuff said! And brave. I might not have been so gracious.
That was a tall order in 2 weeks. My father did all the flowers for a wedding in early 1976 - that was a mission and a half. He said he'd never do it again - looking at me... When my time came, he wasn't around, so he was spared. Because I would have asked...
Loved this so much. Your stories are always so interesting. You are one of the strongest and most inspiring women I know. I wish I had half the strength you do to march forward in this life. 😌
I'm ever so glad you enjoyed this @carolynstahl, it was fun writing it! But you know what, you are a strong woman, you just don't know it; how you've survived all the changes that peeps through now and then in your food blogs, so please give yourself a pat on the back from me!
Memories we hold dear, yes our families were not financially well off, but made life exceptionally special in every which way they could.
Most unusual both your uncle and brother sewed, I take it your brother was taught by your uncle. My poor mom tried every trick in the book to teach me, sadly I never did. All my outfits were homemade, including wedding dress, brides maid and flower girl dresses (material bought at Fietas, we lived on the Westrand).
A lovely walk down memory lane through working career, friends made, current friends still held dear.
Keeping active and busy most definitely helps going through the years, no time to waste it is short enough already!
I think when things come too easy, one doesn't appreciate it as much! Very precious memories indeed.
No they were both my uncles who sewed, the younger one was like a brother to me.
Oh yes, I believe keeping busy is the secret!
Thanks for the visit Joan😉
Unusual to have two uncles who enjoyed craft of sewing, can only imagine when it came to readying a wedding both would wish to dress the bride.
Never enough hours in a day this side, hope Mom is keeping well with cold weather arriving.
Take care!
Wonderful seasons of your life to read my dear @lizelle ! 😊
I'm so happy that you enjoyed it @barbara-orenya, means a lot to me 🌻💖🌻
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