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RE: Insurance...a necessary evil!

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

It's a requirement if one has a mortgage but unfortunately a neccessary evil in case of fire & vehicle accidents, plus we need it to renew our bnb registration each year, but I often wonder what the books would look like at the end of the day, if one were to put that high premium into a savings account & draw from it in the event of accidents.
I totally agree with you that they're raking in millions during good times, but twist wording like infectious diseases, I mean, no one had ever heard of lockdowns!
Thanks for popping in @jacey.boldart 🤗


I understand about being required to have it for business. My younger sister and her husband owned a daycare for years and had to have an enormous amount of insurance in order to operate. We are required to have vehicle insurance here too and who would go without medical insurance on purpose?

It is funny (but not ha ha) that they tried to split hairs about the infectious disease and lockdown issue, since without the infectious disease, there would have been no lock down. It's almost laughable, in a ironically sad kind of way.