Organ Donation - You can save 7 lives!

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago (edited)

When a loved one dies, the last thing on our mind is organ donation, yet imagine if the loss of your loved one could save the lives of 7 people and help up to 50 people live better lives.
These figures are given by the South African Organ Donor Foundation.

I was made aware of this by a special friend whose son desperately needs a heart transplant and has been waiting quite a long while. He has been in and out of ICU as they do emergency procedures to keep him going, until a suitable heart becomes available.

He is in his early 50s, so still has a lot of living to do, but he doesn't let this stop him from living life and bravely fighting this battle.

In a situation like that, one keeps on hoping and praying for a heart that will be a match, but how sad to think of the trauma the family of the donor goes through versus the elation of the recipient's family.
However, I would think it would be comforting to know that my loved one's death was not in vain and is going to save the life of another person and/or heal someone else!

My friend lost her younger son in a car crash, and he left a wife and two lovely little girls behind.

Pat faced another tragedy last year when her youngest sister died of Covid, all alone in a hospital and no one could even say their goodbyes!

We met after his accident through our hubbies who were school friends, and we just clicked. We soon became bosom buddies and are always there for each other when things go wrong, but also have had some fabulous special times together.

I am fortunate to have a circle of very special friends who help and encourage me through troubled times and visa versa.
That's how we all should treat one another and make this a better world!

We need to see the need of others and reach out, give a helping hand and try to help in any which way we can.

Organ Donation/ Transplant Awareness Campaigns

Pat recently went to an Organ donation Awareness Rock Hunt with her granddaughter and little great-granddaughter.
It was a very special day for her, as the chair in memory of her late son is right next to the area where they've planted some of the painted rocks in memory of donors and their families.


The older girl is the one who lost her Dad many years ago; little Mia's grandpa is Pat's son who is waiting for a new heart.


In some instances, the organ donors' names were written on the back and some on the front of the rocks.



Check out Hero777, the awareness page for a 17-year-old young man who has been on the transplant list for almost 4 years. Matthew needs a heart and bi-lateral lung transplant.
Matthew has a bucket list which includes registering at least 50 000 organ and tissue donors.

FB Mautitius rocks.jpg

These 8 rocks are on the way to Mauritius! On the back are links to "Bryn rocks Durban" and "Hero777".

How can you help?

Register on your country's organ donor site, and let your loved ones know of your wishes.

It took me less than 5 minutes to register on the Organ Donor Foundation's website!

Organ Donor.JPG

It was interesting learning the following from their site, as I've always wondered how and when the donation happens.


SOLID ORGANS such as the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, and pancreas can only be donated if your loved one has been diagnosed with brain death and is on a ventilator in a hospital. In this case, upon receiving your call, the Organ Donor Foundation will pass on the information to the nearest transplant centre and soon thereafter a transplant coordinator will contact you.
TISSUE such as bone, skin, corneas, and heart valves may be used if your loved one is either on a ventilator or has already passed away and their body is at the mortuary or undertakers. In this case, a representative from the Tissue Banks or Eye Bank will be in touch with you.

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This is great, thank you for writing about it! My daughter received a heart transplant in January 2020, on her 4th birthday. She was born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) which basically means she had half of a functioning heart. There is a series of surgeries that must be completed during the first few years of life in those cases to restructure the heart to get by, with the first one being within the first week or so after birth and the second one around 6 months old. She got through the first two but the prep for the 3rd failed so she was placed on the transplant list. We advocate strongly for donors as well and are forever thankful for the gift of life they gave my daughter ♥️

 3 years ago  

Gosh, it must have been a miracle finding a suitable heart, but how traumatic it must have been for you and your wife!
I never realized just how many people one could help by registering for organ donation, that's why it's so important to make more people aware of it.
Wishing your daughter good health @obiwanpicone 🙏🏻

Yes, it is so important, but also one of those things we don't often think about prior to being faced with it. Not a comfortable thing to think about or discuss. The trauma for me and my wife is very real. Thankfully, my daughter was too young to remember most of it all. She does have her next catheter and heart biopsy next month. They do this annually. And she is doing well a this time, so that is all we can ask for. As I get more used to Ecency, I may write more about our experiences if it will potentially help others. I see how many your post reached on organ donations, so her story could be impactful. Thanks again for sharing and wish you the best this holiday season @lizelle

Thanks for posting! I have been an organ donor for years. I figure that if I am dead, I don't need anything anymore in relation to my body- inside and out. The rocks that you showed were very pretty. I like the idea of commemoration organ donors. I also plan on donating my body to science with whatever is left over from my organ donation.

 3 years ago  

Kudos to you for being an organ donor, I totally agree with you!

I also plan on donating my body to science with whatever is left over from my organ donation.

What an awesome idea, I need to find out about that here in our country.
Thank you so much for sharing this with us, we really need more awareness of registering as an organ donor.
Those stones are beautifully painted! I may be joining in the next rock hunting event if I can.

A very sad but inspiring story.
Here in the states, you can become an organ donor by including that info right on your drivers license.
Personally, I'm not an organ donor, but so respect those that are.

Times are changing, and it seems that more and more people don't have an issue with donating this life saving gift.

 3 years ago  

That's a really good way to have that info on one's car license as healthy accident victims are the perfect candidates especially for organ donation but they can even use skin, bones etc of older people as well.
I know it's a personal choice and I respect and understand that, as we are all different, but for me personally, the body becomes like an empty shell as my soul will be in another place, so why waste it.
Hope you're recovering well from your surgery @thebigsweed🙏🏻

I was wondering, at our age are there any norgans that can be used, you answered that question.
Recovering well, thanks for asking.

 3 years ago  

Organ donations is such a noble thing I think @lizelle, I hope he finds a heart soon. Pat has had a tough time in her life. Thanks for sharing.

 3 years ago  

Yes, he's been waiting for a very long time now but is so brave! You're so right, Pat has been through a heck of a lot so I really hope that he will be ok until they find a heart for him.
Thank you for your kind thoughts my friend.
It is so quick and easy to register as an organ donor; it's quite amazing how much they can use from one body only; not only organs but also skin, bone and so forth. I would rather have them using whatever they can from me one day as the body just becomes an empty shell when we move on to the spiritual world.

 3 years ago  

So true my friend. I truly hope he finds one soon.

 3 years ago  

This is a very touching story, @lizelle Anyone being part of it, watching, waiting... and wondering whose life is gone, so yours could go on?

That is such a heavy thought.

I had a brother die quite unexpectedly and the decision was made (he hadn't done anything, he was too young) I can remember helping my mother make that decision. It is something that no person left behind should have to make.

Make it your priority.

This really touched a place in my heart. I hope more people read this!

 3 years ago  

It's so sad losing a loved one and more so when they still had a lot of living to do! It must have been a difficult decision for you and your Mom.
It's the same with the importance of having a living will if one doesn't want to be kept on life support when there's no hope if recovery. One of my best friends always spoke about it to her husband but they never put their wishes on paper. She was on and off life support for 6 weeks. The doctors told them she would never again have a good quality of life, so they had to sign papers that they should not resuscitate her and turn off the machines.
He said it was not easy even though they had discussed it in the past.
It sounds morbid, but it's a reality.
We need to be aware of putting wishes like that on paper with witnesses signing as well.
Organ donation to me is the most logical thing to do once we're no longer there.
I wish I had been aware of that when my brother also died at a young age!
@obiwanpicone tells us here of how his little girl had a heart transplant at the age of only 4!
Wonderful that she was given a second chance.

 3 years ago  

I never really thought about having my organs donated, but thanks for sharing this, it is something we do need to consider.

 3 years ago  

I always thought about doing it but did not realize just how easy it is to register, well here in South Africa that is! I also didn't realize how many people one could save.

 3 years ago  

Glad it is easy there. It maybe quite different here in our country but it is worth to ponder upon. Although it is quite difficult because of our local traditions :)

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