Arriving for the first time for this initiative, because it touched a subject that I do not dislike since I can understand that it is an emotion and to be able to feel it shows me that I am normal. I have rarely felt sadness, but I must confess that they have been very specific cases.
I can remember the death of my grandmother, she raised me, I feel that this is how it must feel to lose a mother or father. I can say that I almost fell into depression, I lived my grief and here I am. Understanding a little of what depression is, I can say that I have been brave and that inner voice does not make me fall so deep into emotions.
Writing I remembered a suitor, he was very important to me, he was very special to me, he was that beautiful company, well, I saw him like that, you know love is something serious. Deep down I felt that he didn't love me. One day the news came that he had passed away, it hurt me a lot and I lasted several days very sad, I feel that some sadness is overcome, I am happy not to fall into depression, that would have been terrible
Almost two months ago my daughter got married in another country, I thought it would be the wedding this year, but well, it wasn't, I felt sad, but that inner voice told me: if she is happy that's what really matters
I come from a separation with the father of my children, we had a relationship of 41 years, it is really easy to say, I have felt a lot of sadness because in the house there are many memories, but I have been able to move forward, I feel very good and I am already overcoming that feeling of sadness, I think we should help others to be happy, I think I am very brave. I remembered some phrases that many artisans say: “Sadness and melancholy out of my house”
I think that sadness is not so bad, it warns you about the level of your emotions, we must live our grief, feeling sadness lets us know the degree of tolerance, it can keep us aware of everything so as not to fall into depression, which does more damage to our organism
Two days ago my brother returned to Chile, to have a better quality of life, he has a permanent job in that country, he can help our parents and his family, we are sad, but we know it is the best for everyone... He will be back soon and we will be happy with him
Fuente for this beautiful initiative I will be more attentive to participateAt this point in my life few things make me sad, I try to bring a smile to situations that escape me, a smile that shows solidarity, support. If I can help I help and if on the contrary I can not with some situation I just praise God. Thank you @ericvancewalton - #memorimonday
You sound like you have a healthy approach to life, understanding that it's not all sandess and that either good things are coming, or the sadness isn't permanent, which is of course the same thing. I'm sorry to hear about your hardships.
So beautiful, thank you for this very empathetic comment. Not everything has been rosy ha,ha,ha,ha, but truly thanks to God I have been able to move forward and get out of my life that permanent sadness. I like to make people laugh, to make them smile
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Muchas gracias equipo @r2cornel-@blessed-girl, por su gran apoyo y motivación incondicional.
You are indeed brave to face and overcome those emotions. You always look at the bright side of life♥️.
It's true, I always try to keep the good, that's a great blessing, not to stay in that moment of pain, I really don't know how I do it, but I move forward no matter what, my friend @asiaymalay
It's hard to say but we are getting lonely. I dreamed of being surrounded by my grandchildren, my nephews and my family. But they are no longer here, some because they left in search of a better quality of life and others because they are no longer on this physical plane. But we have to keep going my friend @lisfabian
Yes, I believe that at this age we are capable of dosing our sadness: not all things are worth our sorrow and life is too short to live it in sadness. Greetings