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RE: Paradise is often a Higher Place

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago

When our soul intertwined in nature now we are at one.
Words of joy spring to mind, no time to write while savouring the moment.
Words will flood back, sweet memories made on the day etched into positive mood.

!LUV the photography and gorgeous words as always....

 2 years ago  

Thank you always for such beautiful words - as always, Joan. @joanstewart I love coming across your words in my post. It always makes my day, thoughtful words from a beautiful soul.

Thanks for the Luv!


Topsy turvy life of late I do enjoy reading your rolling passionate thoughts touched with poetry, definitely resonates well with my feelings.

Photography speaks volumes swimming between paragraphs, emphasizing grand selection you have acquired over time.

!WINEX Soon been one of those days with no internet, this time fiber cables went down 🙃

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