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RE: The Longest Night of the Year

in Silver Bloggers3 months ago

Summer Solstice another hot humid day, not one to celebrate except we face the next three months the hottest in the year, doubt I will ever adjust to the hot months ever.

New year resolutions not one I ever cared for, wait to see what happens, one cannot plan far ahead with the way things have changed already.

Larger family gatherings now a thing of the past, no little ones in the home we normally take a quiet time together which is what my sons prefer as well.


Yep, you have the hot times ahead... one of the joys of living in a somewhat temperate climate is that it rarely gets super cold, but also not super hot in the summer. There are some things we can't grow, but that's OK.

We're blessed to see our kids a few days around the holidays but they have lives of their own, and the one son with grandkids lives clear across the country.

Enjoy the children in the home, takes us to times where we let go of the worries that surround everyone daily.
