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RE: 3 years Hiversary ~ What 10 things have I learnt?

in Silver Bloggers7 months ago

I think I will experiment on the most optimum time that I can get more engagement, not just auto-votes .
So far, I have observed I've been getting mostly autobots... I mean auto-votes and not much comments even I post some questions at the end of my post.

Suffice to say, I feel like most of the people here just upvote without reading the article.(if the votes were not automated). Although, I admit, I do that too sometimes. Just click the upvote then go to the next article.


I use the autovote as sometimes I just get on Hive to curate my communities and read blogs of friends. So often I would have missed voting for people that I want to reward.
I know there are far less people engaging than when I first started Hive. Mind you I don't mind receiving large autovotes hehe!

Will be interesting to see how your timing experiment goes!