I don't really know where to start. I would say the beginning but that was a long time ago and the vibe of life was way different. Isn't that pretty much what my granpa said about the world I lived in? OMG! I'm old!

Back it up just a second. I am old (over 50 not quite sixty) but I am seriously only reminded of that when I look in a mirror. I am young at heart and still abuse my body like I did when I was young. The only difference is it takes me a lot more time to recover from shenanigans. Gotta do with the grandkids what I did with the kids, you get it.

Let's get down to me, though. I decided about the time I hit half a century that I was sick of not having enough time for the things I wanted to do so I made time. Firstly, I stopped working my life away. I dropped myself back to minimal hours. No more stressing teams and projects and labor. Just come in, do my job, and leave early. I've always been like that. Super impulsive. It's not like I have a nest egg. I don't. I'm very impish in my life. As a matter of fact, I am only a responsible person at work (and if you knew me when I was younger, you wouldn't have believed that could be possible. I was a fucker.). I don't worry about much. Never owned a home. Never wanted to. Ties you down and I don't want that. Don't have many bills. What I do have is an incredible girlfriend and family who understand who I am and how I am and love me in spite of it.
I only do things in regard to my happiness. That works for me. It is the first question I ask myself when making any decision, from trivial to life changing. Will it make me happy? Then I follow my intuition. It's been right for me so far. I am an incredibly happy person. Seldom angry. I'm quite a grand specimen as a human being also. Preach and practice random acts of kindness because it's the right thing to do. And it makes me happy. I don't have much, but the things I have an abundance of no amount of money could buy.
I guess I'll break it there. I have tales to share and wisdom to gather so I'm sure you'll see more posts by me in the future. Thank you for inviting me in and I'll try to work my way to your DISCORD so I can get me a shiny new silver name. I think I've got just the one for me.....

oh yeah, forgot to mention - I am crazy for digital arts and writing and just about anything creative. Just thought that deserved at least this byline.
Welcome to our community. It's awesome to have you here... and why would you talk about being old? Who's old here? 😏 If we compare us with the universe, i feel we can stop talking about being old. Especially, since myself (i'm the silverfish) have stopped growing adult when i was twelve, so handle that one first... hahahahaha
Did I say old? My bad. I meant experienced and wise.
Welcome to the silver bloggers'community. Hope to see more posts from you.
Hi, @japhofin8or!
Nice to meet you :)
Welcome to Silverbloggers!
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