Third anniversary of Mizpah. We celebrate with the silver ones. / Tercer aniversario de Mizpa. Celebramos con los plateados.

in Silver Bloggerslast year


Hello my dear friends, it is a great pleasure for me to greet you. In the month of April the 3rd is celebrated. anniversary of the church where I belong and serve called Mizpah and today they began their celebration with the elders of the congregation and the activity was called "Golden Hands."


3 years ago this church opened its doors for the spiritual benefit that everyone in this community was needing. It's pretty close to my house and it was great for me to attend since I was looking to meet up. The truth is that it is a church with sound doctrine and the Pastors are very kind and the brothers are very friendly and helpful.



The service began with praise as always, sung by the Pastor with her melodious voice. A Gift that was given to him by God to glorify him and it is what he does and loves to do.

They are one of those Pastors who are attentive to you, your health, your concerns and you can access them without anyone having to ask permission first to see if they can assist you. They are there at the same level as us, clearly recognizing their hierarchy as leaders placed by God to minister to us.


They immediately gave us some cookies and a coffee so that we wouldn't have an empty stomach. It was very tasty.


Then they gave the floor to the oldest in the congregation. 86 years old and more than 40 years in the gospel, wow how lucky. Strengthened in the Lord because his brother looks very good despite his age and his wife also looks very good.

He was telling many of his testimonies and the truth is that it is impressive to see everything that one goes through during these years of life and having to reach this age is a privilege that God gives us.


It was our turn to do an activity, paint something, whatever came from our hearts. Everyone did their best to capture a landscape, some letters, whatever came to mind on the glasses.


The surprise was the lunch that they prepared for us with so much love. Rice, stewed meat and sweet arepas are a delicacy. Everything was delicious with your glass of soda. An abundant meal.


To finish the activities they played a game for us, "Hot Potato". It consists of passing the balloon from hand to hand of the person next to you while a song is playing and when the song stops, whoever has the balloon left in their hand leaves the wheel and loses.

I was one of the first to leave hehe, but it was fun to participate and see my brothers very entertained playing and having a different time.


Finally was the delivery of our piece of cake and the photo with the entire group. The birthday was not sung today because it will be sung on the last Sunday of this month, you know, it's like singing the birthday in advance.

Next week there will be another activity, the special women's service for the anniversary of the Mizpah church. And if it will be these 4 Saturdays of this month of April.

I thank God for having found this church where I feel included. It's not just about going on Sundays to listen to the sermon and not seeing each other again until the next Sunday. Here there is no bureaucracy that exists in large churches. Here they do not skimp on spending to make a sharing for the benefit of the parishioners and for all of us to participate.

This is brotherhood, fellowship, love of neighbor, love of brother, this is what should be seen and felt in a true church.


Traduccion al Español:

Hola mis queridos amigos, es para mi un gran placer saludarlos. En el mes de Abril se celebra el 3er. aniversario de la iglesia a donde pertenezco y sirvo llamada Mizpa y hoy comenzaron su celebracion con los mayores de la congregacion y la actividad se llamo "Manos Doradas".

Hace 3 años abrio sus puertas esta iglesia para el beneficio espiritual que todos en esta comunidad estabamos necesitando. Esta bastante cerca de mi casa y me quedo genial para asistir ya que estaba buscando conde congregarme. La verdad es que es una iglesia con una sana doctrina y los Pastores son muy amables y los hermanos muy amigables y serviciales.

El servicio comenzo con las alabanzas como siempre, canatadas por la Pastora con su melodiosa voz. Un Don que le fue otorgado por Dios para que lo glorifique y es lo que hace y ama hacer.

Son de esos Pastores que estan pendientes de uno, la salud, las preocupaciones y que puedes acceder a ellos sin que nadie tenga que pedir permiso primero para ver si te pueden atender. Ellos estan alli al mismo nivel que nosotros, reconociendo claro esta la jerarquia de ellos como lideres colocados por Dios para que nos ministren.

Enseguida nos dieron unas galletitas y un cafe para que no estuvieramos con el estomago vacio. Estuvo muy sabroso.

Luego le dieron la palabra al mayor en edad en la congregacion. 86 años de edad y mas de 40 años en el evangelio, wao que afortunado. Fortalecido en el Señor porque el hermano se ve muy bien a pesar de su edad y su esposa tambien luce muy bien.

Estuvo contando muchos de sus testimonios y la verdad es impresionante ver por todo lo que uno pasa durante estos años de vida y contar con llegar a esta a edad es un privilegio que nos regala Dios.

Llego el turno de hacer una actividad, pintar algo, lo que nos saliera del corazon. Cada quien saco su mejor esfuerzo para plasmar en los vasos un paisaje, unas letras, lo que se le viniera a la mente.

La sorpresa fue el almuerzo que nos prepararon con tanto amor. Arroz, carne guisada y arepas dulces todo un manjar. Estuvo delicioso todo con su vaso de refresco. Una comida abundante.

Para terminar con las actividades nos hicieron un juego, la "Papa Caliente". Consite en pasar el globo de mano en mano del que esta a tu lado mientras una cancion esta rodando y al parar la cancion a quien le quede el globo en la mano se sale de la rueda y pierde.

Yo fui una de las primeras en salir jejeje, pero fue divertido participar y ver a mis hermanos muy entretenidos jugando y pasando un rato distinto.

Por ultimo fue la entrega de nuestro trozo de torta y la foto con todo el grupo. Hoy no se canto el cumpleaños porque se cantara el ultimo Domingo de este mes, ya sabe, es como cantar el cumpleaños por adelantado.

La proxima semana habra otra actividad, el servicio especial de mujeres por el aniversario de la iglesia Mizpa. Y si seran estos 4 Sabados de este mes de Abril.
Doy gracias a Dios por haber encontrado esta iglesia donde me siento incluida.

No es solo ir los Domingos a escuchar el sermon y no volvernos a ver hasta el siguiente Domingo. Aqui no hay burocracia que existe en las grandes iglesias. Aqui no escatiman en gastar para hacer un compartir para beneficio de los feligreces y que todos participemos.

Esto es hermandad, compañerismo, amor al projimo, amor al hermano, esto es lo que se debe ver y sentir en una verdadera iglesia.


Nice one!

Thank you friend.

Congratulations, it is nice to see so much love

Congratulations, it is nice to see so much love

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