This is an entry in response to the initiative of my friend @erickvancewalton, which brought back fond memories of my student days. I will be happy to answer your questions:
Did you meet your current love in high school?
Although I had some boyfriends during my studies, none of them were at school. But the man I married I met at an uncle's house.
What type of car did you drive?
I've never actually driven, but the car I like is a Rolls Royce.
What kind of work did you do?
During my studies I did not work, when I turned 18 I worked as a Secretary.
Where did you live?
He lived in Maracaibo, Venezuela.
Were you popular?
Not at all ! I was always very shy.
Were you in the band or the choir ?
I was a member of the high school choir.
What did you do after your graduation sermon ?
I was thinking about looking for a job in an Oil company, but only years later did I get a position there.
Have you ever been suspended?
No never.
If you could go back, what experience would you relive ?
If I went back to my years of studies I would surely go back to my English teacher, she was a very sweet teacher and I always got 20 points because I like languages.
Did you go to the soccer games ?
In Venezuela, schools do not have Soccer as a sport, they only have Basketball, Volleyball and some Athletics.
What was your favorite subject ?
Unquestionably English.
Do you still have your yearbooks ?
No, I only have these photos that are already losing color.
Did you follow the professional path you had planned ?
I graduated from high school but I didn't go to university. I took a professional secretarial course and worked on this for some time.
Do you still have your high school ring ?
No, I didn't have a ring.
Have you ever skipped school?
If this refers to absence due to illness, it was very rare. Now, I left my studies for a while and then resumed them at night (parasystem) and managed to graduate.
Who was your favorite teacher ?
The English teacher and the Artistic Education teacher.
What was your hairstyle ? I liked my hair down.
What were your favorite shoes ?
The sandals.
What was your favorite food ?
The salty bread spread with butter.
Who was your favorite singer ?
I had several favorite groups: Abba, Queen, The Beatles, The Bee Gees.
What cologne did you use ?
I used a children's cologne, I love its soft scent.
How old were you when you graduated ?
I was 23 years old.
Did you have any nickname ?
Yes, Bella. My mom called me that since I was born because she said that my blue eyes were the first thing they saw in me and that I was very pretty.
What school did you attend ?
Simon Rodriguez School.
What year did you graduate ?
In 1989.
What has changed the most in the world since you graduated ?
The world has changed a lot, but Technology is definitely what has revolutionized the world. I had a typewriter where you have to move the carriage to the left to continue writing. But now there are computers and there are Artificial Intelligence programs that you don't even have to think about, just ask it and it will give you the answer. There were no phones at school, now we have to take them away from the children so they can pay attention to the class.
How have you changed since high school ?
My appearance has changed a lot, inside and out. I have life experience, but I also have silver hair and my skin is starting to wrinkle.
If you could travel back in time and say something to your teenage self, what would you say ?
I would tell her in her ear, study, if you can do two degrees, do them, don't waste time for anything or anyone. Study is the only thing we have left when we get older and it is our ticket to our slightly more honorable retirement.
Traduccion al Español:
Esta es una entrada en respuesta a la iniciativa del amigo @erickvancewalton, que me trajo gratos recuerdos de mis dias de estudiante. Con gusto respondere sus preguntas:
Conocias a tu amor actual en la escuela secundaria ?
Aunque tuve algunos novios durante el tiempo de estudios ninguno fue dentro de la escuela. Pero el hombre con quien me case lo conoci en la casa de un tio mio.
Que tipo de auto manejabas ?
En realidad no he manejado nunca, pero el auto que me gusta es un Rolls Royce.
Que tipo de trabajo hacia ?
Durante mis estudios no trabaje, cuando cumpli mis 18 años trabaje como Secretaria.
Donde vivias ?
Vivia en Maracaibo, Venezuela.
Eras popular ?
Para nada ! Siempre fui muy timida.
Estuviste en la banda o el coro ?
Fui integrante del orfeon del liceo.
Que hiciste despues de tu seremonia de graduacion ?
Pensaba en buscar trabajo en una empresa de Petroleos, pero solo años despues consegui un puesto alli.
Alguna vez te suspendieron ?
No, nunca.
Si pudieras volver atras que experiencia revivirias ?
Si volviera a mis años de estudios de seguro volveria con mi profesora de Ingles, ella era una profesora muy tierna y yo siempre saque 20 puntos porque me gustan los idiomas.
Alguna vez te saltaste la escuela ?
Si esto se refiere a faltar por enfermedad fue muy pocas veces. Ahora, deje mis estudios por un tiempo y luego los retome de noche (parasistema) y logre graduarme.
Fuiste a los partidos de Futbol ?
En Venezuela las escuelas no tienen el Futbol como deporte, solo tienen Baloncesto, Voleybol y algunos de Atletismo.
Cual era tu materia favorita ?
Indiscutiblemente Ingles.
Todavia tienes tus anuarios ?
No, solo me quedan estas fotos que ya estan perdiendo el color.
Seguiste el camino profesional que tenias previsto ?
Me gradue de Bachiller pero no fui a la Universidad. Tome un curso profesional de Secretariado y de esto trabaje por algun tiempo.
Todavia tienes tu anillo de la escuela secundaria ?
No, no tuve anillo.
Quien era tu profesor favorito ?
La profesora de Ingles y la profesora de Educacion Artistica.
Cual era tu peinado ?
Me gustaba mi cabello suelto.
Cuales eran tus zapatos favoritos ?
Las sandalias.
Cual era tu comida favorita ?
El pan salado untado con mantequilla.
Quien era tu cantante favorito ?
Tenia varios grupos favoritos: Abba, Queen, The Beatles, The Bee Gees.
Que colonia usaba ?
Usaba una colonia para niños, me encanta su aroma suave.
Que edad tenias cuando te graduaste ?
Tenia 23 años.
Tenias algun apodo ?
Si, Bella. Mi mamá me llamo asi desde que naci porque decia que mis ojos azules era lo primero que veian en mi y que era muy linda.
A que escuela asististe ?
Escuela Simon Rodriguez.
En que año te graduaste ?
En 1989.
Que es lo que mas ha cambiado en el mundo desde que te graduaste ?
El mundo ha cambiado mucho, pero definitivamente la Tecnologia es lo que ha revolucionado al mundo. Yo tenia una maquina de escribir de las que hay que correr el carro hacia la izquierda para continuar escribiendo. Pero ahora hay computadoras y hay programas de Inteligencia Artificial que ni siquiera tienes pensar, solo preguntale a ella y te da la respuesta. No habia telefonos en la escuela, ahora hay que quitarselos a los niños para que presten atencion a la clase.
Como has cambiado desde la secundaria ?
Mi aspecto ha cambiado mucho, por dentro y por fuera. Tengo experiancia de la vida, pero tambien tengo el cabello plateado y ya mi piel se comienza a arrugar.
Si pudieras viajar en el tiempo y decirle algo a tu yo adolescente, que le dirias ?
Le diria al oido estudia, si puedes hacer dos carreras hazlas, no pierdas tiempo por nada ni por nadie. El estudio es lo unico que nos queda cuando envejecemos y es nuestro tiket para nuestra jubilacion un poco mas honrroza.
Dear @isabelpena a hug first 🤗you are amazing because you tried your best and persistently to graduate, so proud to know your experience in high school. one thing for sure, the technologies really bring pro and cons, that also something we have to learn even when we're already had golds and silvers in our head, right?
Definitely the best of my decisions and I am very happy about it. Thanks for commenting on my blog.
Hello @isabelpena
This is @tengolotodo and I'm part of the Silver Bloggers’ Community Team.
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Thank you very much for your support.
Even though I am a lot older than you, we had some of the same answers, but I quit at the end of my 9th grade and went back to get my GED I was 21 when I got it. I even went to secretarial school after getting my GED.
Hello friend, greetings. Actually in the publication I explain that I left my studies because I didn't know if I was going to go to university or not since my guidance teachers never knew how to apply that subject to disoriented students. But I finally finished my secondary school together with a technological study of Secretariat, I would have liked to continue studying but I got married and perhaps you know what that implies. Thanks for commenting on my post.