Weaknesses | MEMOIR MONDAY (WEEK 41)

in Silver Bloggers3 months ago


A great lesson from my childhood was not to show my feelings in public. You had to play tough, no whining and complaining in front of others.

Every problem had to be solved by yourself. If another child offended or mistreated you, you had to deal with it yourself. And the best thing to do was not to talk about it with the parents.

With those life lessons, repeated at every moment, it was easy to learn to block emotionality, something that of course was done unconsciously without having the slightest suspicion of its consequences.

In my case the scheme worked perfectly, I learned to block my emotions, to share my feelings with my pillow in the solitude of the night. I became an adult without having good tools to manage my emotions.

For a long time this emotional block was one of my great weaknesses. And it wasn't that I had trouble relating to others, or that I was some kind of antisocial. Nothing of the sort. I have had the great fortune to be liked by others, there is something in me that facilitates empathy, and perhaps that is why I have never lacked a friend or a partner to be with.


However, this inadequate handling of my emotions has been the cause of conflicts in many of my relationships with family and friends.

It took me a long time to become aware that this blockage was within me. I had my first suspicions when I was thirty years old during a couple crisis. After that episode I began to realize that I had to do something, and I started to walk the path of getting to know myself.

I have been at it for many years, and today I think I have made enough progress to identify what is happening to me, to recognize the reasons for my joys and sorrows, and to allow myself the necessary space to live those feelings.

However, in this area I am never completely successful. Sometimes I am attacked by a bit of melancholy and it is difficult for me to know its origin, I spend hours with my spirits on the floor. But I know that I have already experienced it many times, and just as it comes at some point it will pass, the truth is that everything passes... I start looking for the cause and after so much searching I find the origin of my affliction, I let it accompany me for a while and then I say goodbye...


Another of my weaknesses is to be too trusting. It is hard for me to look at others with distrust. And although I know that there is good and evil, I like to think that goodness inhabits them all. I know that this way of thinking can be quite naive, but the truth is that I find it hard to go around doubting everyone around me.

Sometimes I think I'm unintelligent in this respect, because it's hard for me to learn. I keep trusting people who then come up with unexpected answers.

There is for example that acquaintance whom I hire for a job and he takes advantage of the first opportunity to keep part of the materials, or brings me inflated invoices, or simply changes the rules of the game halfway through, and in the end I have to pay him much more than what we had agreed.

It is always painful for me when someone I trust does things that are reprehensible or hurtful to others.

Deep down I think the problem is that I don't know how to see the signs that prevent me from the bad intentions of others. This is undoubtedly a great weakness.

We should all make an effort to know our weaknesses. Even if we don't know it, they are there and if we learn to manage them properly they will surely give us less problems.

link.I am publishing this post motivated by the initiative proposed by my friend @ericvancewalton, Memoir Monday, in the forty one week. For more information click on the

Thanks for your time.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version).

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All your comments are welcome on this site. I will read them with pleasure and dedication.

Until the next delivery. Thank you.

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The photos, the digital edition and the Gifs are of my authorship.

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Hello @irvinc

Silver Bloggers’ Community Team.This is @tengolotodo and I'm part of the

Thank you for sharing your excellent post in the Silver Bloggers community! As a special "token" of appreciation for this contribution to our community, it has been upvoted, reblogged and curated.


Thank you so much my dear friend.

This was a great read and in some ways I am very very similar to you Irvin.

A great lesson from my childhood was not to show my feelings in public

Yep that was me and still is.
As for trusting, yes I was too trusting with people, I saw the good in everyone.
Merry Christmas to you all..

Keeping our feelings bottled up can take many years; it is normal for people to be able to freely express what they feel. Merry Christmas dear friend @tengolotodo . Thank you very much for your support.

Being trusty can be a weakness, but I actually think it's better to be trusty even if you have some disappointments along the way than to be one of those people who distrust everything and everyone.
Un abrazo y saludos!

I agree with you, it's hard to go through life feeling that everyone can hurt you, it's better to be surprised once in a while. Thanks for stopping by and for the support dear @coquicoin . Merry Christmas. A big hug from Maracay.

Don't you think it's because you're a kind hearted one? All I know, if we easily trust people that's because we're raised in a warm and kind family. But, maybe I'm wrong.

I think I am a generous person, I like to help where I can. Distrusting others is not in my nature. Thank you very much for stopping by and for the comment dear @cicisaja . Merry Christmas. A big hug from Maracay.