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RE: Big Toy Memories and Creating Some More

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago

The first and second pictures reminded me of my childhood also. I think we all played with such kinds of toys in the time of childhood. I want to take pictures sitting on those vehicles because in my childhood times, it was not possible to take pictures.

I have a bad back and it easily hurts when I stand or walk for a prolonged period, so I often have to remind him it's time to go.

I can understand it because my mother is also facing the same problem and she can't stay stand or walking for a long time.

 2 years ago  

Childhood years are fun hehe and yeah, unlike these years when we snap pictures of almost anything, that was not possible many years ago.

Having a bad back is no fun. I become moody when my back hurts, lol!


Having a bad back is no fun. I become moody when my back hurts

I can't feel the pain but I just can imagine it when I see my mom suffering for it. Obviously, It's not a matter of joke.

 2 years ago  

It truly isn't :) Hope your mom's okay?

Hope your mom's okay?

Yes, she is ok but she rarely go outside for the reason except it's necessary.

 2 years ago  

I see. Good to hear she's okay.