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RE: An Altered Book Spread - Day 55 - The 100 Day Project

in Silver Bloggers11 months ago

I spent months making a junk journal for a friend for Christmas. I've got a video of it somewhere. Maybe I'll make a post about it when #the100dayproject is finished. It was a lot of fun and I have at the back of my mind to make one for my kids and possibly one for another friend for her birthday.

It wasn't really made of junk though but I've seen some really creative ones that were literally made of trash.

There's the altered book I play around in the story of which arguably deserves a blog post and there's my art journal that I used when starting out with mixed media.

Then they are smash journals and bullet journals. The latter has a whole industry built around them and a global challenge a bit like #the100dayproject although I think it's much less fluid that the others.


I googled bullet journal because the name wasn't obvious what it was. Ok.. now I know and I can't ever imagine doing one. LOLOL ....but then, minds are made to be changed, right ?

I'm with you. it's not a thing I can ever imagine doing either. B O R I N G!!!