Getting the pip....

in Silver Bloggers8 months ago

half oranges


I know I've been absent. Very absent. I know I keep on saying that'll change. That's the plan. However, every time I think I'm on top of stuff, I get railroaded. Sometimes it's good stuff, sometimes it's not. So, for me, RL continues to be a bit of a rollercoaster. The plan, if the current lull continues, is to "explain" some of it in the while.

In the meantime

It's no secret that one of my best sellers at the McGregor market is my marmalade. To date, and since I started counting, I have sold 750 since September 2019. That may not sound like many, but remember: I only sell at that market, making batches of around 18 jars at a time. It's all my kitchen equipment and I can cope with.

A few days ago, a friend arrived, saying she had a present for me from her mum. Then she produced four oranges from her voluminous jacket pockets.


I thanked her, and she looked at me expectantly.

I returned the favour.

"They're Seville!"

I could not have been more thrilled.

They make the best orange marmalade. THE best.

So, in honour of her mum's birthday, I made the prettiest, tastiest, proper (too many superlatives) orange marmalade. It set to form a spectacular jelly...which I forgot to photograph...thanks to all of those lovely pips and their pectin.

A pile of pips

For those wondering, yes, marmalades usually include at least one lemon, and this one is no exception. That one came from another McGregorite and my namesake's garden.

The ratios are the same as for most marmalades (except grapefruit) of 1:2:2 (fruit, water, sugar).

So, T and mum will each get one of these jars.


Because you can't make a "serious" batch of marmalade with just over 600g of fruit, these little pots of marmalade are all destined as gifts to the near and dear who love marmalade as much as The Husband did.

Until next time
The Sandbag House
McGregor, South Africa

Photo: Selma
Post script

If this post might seem familiar, it's because I'm still re-vamping old recipes. As I do this, I am adding them in a file format that you can download and print. If you download recipes, buy me a coffee. Or better yet, a glass of wine....?

Join Hive using this link and then join us in the Silver Bloggers' community.

Original artwork: @artywink

Canva.I create graphics using partly my own photographs as well as images available freely available on and


Delectable to look at not a fan of marmalade. Understand what you mean about specific oranges, my Dad also simply enjoyed his homemade on toast when he sourced exactly what he enjoyed always made a couple of jars.

 8 months ago  

Glad to see you, and your Marmalade again Fiona!
Funny, I managed to get a bottle of Seville Orange Marmalade down the coast 2 weeks ago.
I do hope things settle down and gives you more time, but it's good to hear there have been some good stuff happening as well xxx

Ah yes there can only be Seville oranges in proper marmalade ...

750 is a fluff of a lot ... you trying counting out 750 right now.

Great to see you Fiona and big hugs to you.

Se ven lindos los frascos de mermelada, así estará de sabrosa. Saludos @fionasfavourites. Linda semana.😀

 8 months ago  

Your marmalade looks delightful and I can imagine how exhausting it can be making so many jars year round. Good for you and your customers. ♥