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RE: Memoir Monday - The Next Ten Years

in Silver Bloggers3 months ago

Hello kiddo, I loved your post. I always get positive vibes while reading them. I know you have had a pretty tough year or so, but you have come through with flying colors.

I just turned 70 so I feel you, 10 years from now? Duh, I just hope to be alive hehe!
Be well @lizelle

 3 months ago  

Thank you dear Robin, you are one of those kindred spirits I've met here. Imagine meeting in person, that would be a dream come true!
I'm sure you sometimes can't believe you're already 70, it often feels unreal. I mean, that age was for our parents or grandparents 😅
Take good care of yourself, I know you do that for Bob and the family, but don't forget about yourself❤️