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RE: Memoir Monday: Answer these questions to paint us a picture of your high school years.

in Silver Bloggers5 days ago

It sounds like you had so much fun during your high school years with your friends! If we only realized back then how rare those moments of pure freedom would become in our later years. Reading this entry sparked so many memories of house parties and nights out on the weekends for me. There was a huge university in the city I grew up in (Ohio State) and when I was 16 we would crash fraternity/sorority parties on the college campus. In retrospect we were pretty wild. I enjoyed learning more about your teenage years, Nancy! Thanks for this contribution to #memoirmonday!


A poem by Neruda, says something like “We, those of that time, are no longer the same”. I don't see anything difficult about that time, in my case, just studying and getting good grades. The world was seen from an uncomplicated perspective. I remember questioning everything to adults. And now many of those thoughts, I share them. hahaha. Hugs, dear friend. Hope you have a nice Wednesday.

 5 days ago  

It was the same with me when I was a teenager. So much life was ahead of us and it seemed like anything was possible. Sometimes I feel we have access to too much information now. I feel like, for the most part, we were happier with less. Yes, I know what you mean! Viewpoints change as we get older. I'm trying not to become one of those guys who shake my fist at kids walking on my lawn. Lol. Thanks and I hope you're having a good week!