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RE: Memoir Monday - The Next Ten Years

in Silver Bloggers5 months ago (edited)

Thank you my friend! The medical system here in the US is just in shambles too. It takes 3-4 months to see a specialist sometimes. We're going on close to a year of dealing with it. I'm so sorry you developed epilepsy but am glad you've been able to manage it with meds. One of the YouTubers I watch Kara (from the channel Kara and Nate) developed epilepsy out of the blue as well. I believe the MRNA vaccine (and maybe the virus as well) seeks out and exploits whatever weakness a person carries in their DNA. This explains why there's such a wide variety of symptoms and conditions post-pandemic. It gave me a heart murmur that will have to be monitored for the rest of my life and could turn into congestive heart failure. I found that Natto (Japanese fermented soybeans) and the supplement that is derived from it, Nattokinase, clears the blood of spike proteins that result from taking the vaccine or getting Covid and cause a lot of these cardiac issues. I've been taking it daily for the past four months and my heart palpitations have mostly cleared up. I'll follow up with my cardiologist in a year to see how the murmur has progressed. My wife is in a wheelchair and can only eat a handful of things. Most foods trigger a histamine (allergic) response and raise her blood pressure to dangerous levels. She's currently tolerating pea soup, walnut butter, cantaloupe, crackers, bison, and a nutrition drink. Neither of us will ever take the vaccine again.

 5 months ago  

Oh no Eric, that is just awful! I believe in years to come, it may become one of the worst medical crime ever committed!
Another friend who is bipolar got Covid (that first strain) it affected his mental health. Long story, but it ended a marriage of nearly 4 decades!
We had a couple of friends who refused to have the vaccine! They got Covid, but were ok.
I do hope your wife gets on the road to recovery!

Thank you my friend! I agree, I hope the truth eventually comes out but so often it never does. Covid effected my dad that way. He got vaccinated but then caught the virus and his Alzheimer's got much worse in just the course of a few days. I really do think it was engineered to exploit weaknesses that people already have. That makes it so much tougher to pinpoint the vaccine as the cause. I appreciate it! We're taking it a day at a time and enjoying every good day we can.