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RE: Embracing Silver, Gracefully

in Silver Bloggers4 years ago (edited)

I can be very immature for my age sometimes! Lol. Your Mom was right, the years go way too quickly. I can't believe how many years I spend embroiled in the doldrums of the corporate routine. Wake up, work, go home, repeat. I know that most things happen for a reason but if I had it to do it over again those twenty-three years I spent in a cubicle is one thing I would do differently.

Money was always kind of tight for us so we were limited to one, maybe two trips to see my family a year. We made the most of those trips though. We made a lot of good memories. I had a trip all planned out to take my parents on a Vikings river cruise from Budapest to Amsterdam, but we never got to do it because of Covid. My grieving is unfolding in a similar way as it did with you. Waves come and go and they can hit out of nowhere, mainly when I have time alone with my thoughts. Thank you for stopping by and for the comment!

 4 years ago  

You are always a pleasure!