Yesterday, I set out on a walk through the little cemetery in the back of my property, the earthiness of the decomposing leaves subdued by honeysuckle, the sweetness of it permeating the air. Did I already say the weather could not have been any more perfect? I didn't, but it was. The sun gently touched my face, caressing my cheeks with her warmth. There were a few leaves, still there from the springtime cleanup that did not happen out here. They crunched a bit under my feet as I made my way to the place where he lay at rest. The beauty of the colors, and the smells mingling together with my visit bring about a unique emotional response from my soul. Somehow it got left adrift.
It is then I remember just how much I miss him.
Perhaps it was because I was out picking a pomegranate, you were so sure that it would thrive where none had survived before. It did. Is it possible to will something to live? I used to think not. Now, I am not so sure. Now, I believe almost anything is possible, given enough understanding, thought, love, and nurturing. Am I still talking about plants? I think not. But anything is possible.
And perhaps it is okay to feel this way. I will not die from it, I will merely let my emotions wander a bit, allowing me to miss what once was. It is not a crime to remember someone who is no longer. It doesn't even have to be related to you, as long as you had an emotional connection, there will be that feeling of longing or perhaps wishing they were still there. And I say that is okay, as long as you aren't going over the edge. I am far from the edge, I just allow my writing to wander.
There are more and more figs. I picked them until the tree had barely any, until days later, it had more. Mother Nature provides, but, we have to do our part in it. These guys throw offshoots and now I have more figs. And more and more. Pretty soon, I may have a grove of them. I am not sure, but, the grove is probably not the right term, but, just know I will have plenty of figs. I also have apple trees, peach trees, cherry plums, and kiwi. The kiwi was discovered this year, but, it was not planted by me, but by the past owner. I cannot understand how I thought I pulled it all out by mistake and years later I find some. It is not native to the area. Do you have a garden or fruit trees? Which is your favorite fruit or vegetable?
Today is a #BeautifulSunday by @Ace108, where we share our day in the most possibly beautiful way that we can. I am having the best of days, a definite #SublimeSunday in the making, by the Meister of my morning, @c0ff33a. I do love my @c0ff33 and he likes eclectic! A definite match, made in heaven. I want to thank @ace108 and @c0ff33a for hosting these fun challenges! Check them out!
The simple things in life are often overlooked for something far grander. I find the center of my soul, balancing my need to learn and the position that I have found.
“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ralph, Ralph! What is the deal here? The purpose is not to be happy. Get off my post. Pronto. It is all about the happy! But, until he vacates, let's be a little useful, yes?

All I have are my words, armed in my mind, written in pen, stand by stand. Oh, yes. Still by hand. It has a different feel. Altered not by keys, backspace, and delete, I write, erase, tear it to pieces and start all over again. And again.
It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.

The Road Not Taken
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost
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𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓔𝓷𝓭
The lawn got mowed today. The weather was cooler and not too humid. That right there makes me raise my glass to a #SublimeSunday. Those non-humid days are few and far between. The well is extra deep, so the water is always cool, refreshingly so. We grilled some veggies and steamed some crabs. Grilled a fish, although it was a simple marinade - no fuss. Grilled corn on the cob. I got it from the farm stand. Mine isn't quite done. Dinner was good. Thank you to my wonderful family. They know how to have a #BeautifulSunday! And just like that, this post is over! Come back tomorrow and we'll do it again!
Hi @dswigle, I really enjoyed your #sublimesunday tagged post full of pictures and quality content. It has been upvoted and reblogged to show my appreciation. This #sublimesunday tag is supported and curated by witness c0ff33a
You are the best @c0ff33a 💙 I hope life slows down and you are able to breathe just a tiny bit!
Happy #SublimeSunday!
I adore you @c0ff33a! You upvoted your own comment! You definitely need sleep! :)
I am not sure I can buy what Emerson is selling there. Perhaps Alice O'Connor is more to my liking when she advanced that happiness is the moral objective of one's life. If nothing else, I think it is the more honest position. Of course most folks know her as Ann Rand. 🙂
I wish I had a generous giver like Waldo as a neighbor that would kindly give me some of his corn. It pains me to have to buy it lol. $2 for 3 is nearly criminal , no?
I am very envious of your fruit trees. I hope to one day grow some cherries, corn and cucumbers. Those were fun days. I doubt it will happen, but the thought alone is nice.
Well, you heard what I had to say about that! Off my post! :) Happiness is the moral objective, no? Well, it is for me and I suspect for you also. Oh, yes. I am very familiar with your Ann Rand. She was influential with conservatives and libertarians in the 1950's (not sure what year) The philosophy she created was Objectivism - objective reality, absolute reason, individualism, and laissez-faire capitalism.
I have generous givers around me. I really do. They harvest in abundance and share with those they know. Trading is common, barter... Will it be this way if times get worse? I am not sure, but their giving is not expected, it is always a nice surprise, so either way. My Harris Teeter (and farmstands) are not that high. That is criminal.
The fruit trees are amazing! I am so happy I planted many of them when I bought the house, but honestly, there is a lot that was already planted. Figs, pecans, some apples, cherry plum, and kiwi and pomegranates. I have planted many more and they are doing really well. It excites me too! I have my own orchards! Okay, they are mini, but, still fun!
Your day will come. I'll be optimistic for you. Have a super Sunday!
Oh, Denise. The photographs are stunning as always, but the words set me adrift for a time.
Sometimes my memories seem a burden but usually they are simply remembrances of those who left. Some come daily "Damn, I wish mom could have met Sam. She'd like him" some less frequently "WTF? What would Ray think about the rumor that Suzuki is going to give up on motorcycles?".
I really don't know what I believe at any given moment, but I know some things. One that no one is completely gone so long as I remember. So I guard my memories. Carefully. I return to them in their time and turn. Not to approach the edge, but to honor them and what they gave to me. It is just my way.
This comment isn't sublime or beautiful, but it is pretty honest. Ralph may have been right after all.
Thanks Denise.
Thank you for your words, as always, Tom @bigtom13 Straight to the heart.
I truly understand what you are saying about those remembrances and it is true. I never want to forget them or what they meant to me. To honor and show my respect. People think I am falling off the world if I mention certain people but the fact is, it is important to return them to their time, like history things would be altered if it were any different.
Your comments are always sublime - and beautiful. I mean this in the best way possible. You aren't looking for an upvote, you are already my friend and you don't want/need anything from me. Your comments are thoughtful and genuine. Every time I read one, it makes me feel warm inside.
Yep. It's genuine. So thank you.
Silverswigle? 😂
Something like that. ;)
Haha, kitty needs work hard for the drink. I thought that looks like a pomegranate but free figs are good.
The pomegranate was the second picture! The figs are after the pomegranate! He does have to work pretty hard!
Thanks so much for hosting the challenge!
It truly DOES sound like a beautiful and sublime day.
"“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson
Before I read you next response below, I was thinking ... WHAT ??? I was trying to give it saving grace by thinking, I suppose if you are useful, honorable, compassionate and make a good difference to others, that will also make you happy too, so.... maybe... in a way....
Then you wrote the below.... and I had to laugh ! I wasn't the only one immediately thinking Ralph had gone daft. 😂
"Ralph, Ralph! What is the deal here? The purpose is not to be happy. Get off my post. Pronto. It is all about the happy! But, until he vacates, let's be a little useful, yes?"
Today would have been David's 67th birthday. I will be going to Mom's. My sis said she was bringing birthday pie, till this morning when I got an update email that says she is not.... That stinker ! It's kind of late to regroup on that.
Wow. David's 67th birthday. Is it odd that I remember him so vividly? The man with the Christmas spirit, the lights, action! Your love for him. Especially your love and how you remained joined. My thoughts are with you and your Mom today (and your family) as you celebrate David's life. ❤️ Just being together and remembering him feels good. Happy birthday to David.
What the heck is up with Ralph?!! I have say this, although only to you. Ralph is on time out for a while. What was he thinking? It is soooo all about the happy. Thank you for jumping the gun. I knew I could count on you.
My sunshine has taken a break and just moved inside, making way for the afternoon rain. Who knew we moved to Florida where that kind of thing is normal? At least it is saving my water bill, yes? There must be some redeeming factore with it.
I hope you and Mom had a nice visit. I am sure your sister had good reasons for canceling out last minute.
I know ... WOW ! It doesn't seem like it's been right over 6 years since he left, does it?
We did have a pleasant afternoon. I took in some of our favs from a place called Golden China (yum yum). I got to visit with both my sisters at different times through the afternoon, one sister's hubby and the other sister's grown daughter. Her daughter surprised us and brought cake, so all was not lost....LOL.... and it was a good reason for the pie not showing up.... but it would have been no fun to acknowledge that... now would it ??
Ralph must have accidentally left a word out somewheres that would have changed that quote all up. 😂 He may have to be re-written !
It tried to rain on me a little on the way home, but not really enough to water my flowers. I was hoping for that, so if we don't get some more, I'll have to turn the sprinkler on for a while.
Drats! I had to water my flowers this morning, I thought it was going to get hot, but, it was only humid. Honest, I'd rather be hot than humid. I'm just fussy that way.
That is great that so many made an effort, especially for your mom, nice to have the surrounding of one's family to share thoughts and antidotes. And pie! Oh, wait... no pie.
Le sigh.
Don't tell I mentioned it, m'kay? I know, I know, I wasn't going to and then! It just popped out. So Ralph Emerson Waldo of me!
Anywho, I have been thinking of you all day, knowing you were thinking of him and so on... Glad that you had a nice day. ❤️
I love figs! They are as sweet as sugar.
!LADY 😍🌺🤙
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I have four fig trees and many shoots that can be planted this fall! I am up to my ears in figs now! It is a good problem to have! Thank you for stopping by and for the tip.
Thank you and have a Super Sundayy!
Send some over, hehehe!
I planted a fig tree.
Here Igo again... planting and planting...
Because it's one my favorite fruits.
!LADY 😍🌺🤙 I'll show it on #MarketFriday. Have a sweet day, Denise @dswigle !
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Than you for the tip!
Good morning Denise. have a nice Sunday
Hello! Hello! Thank you so much! So far, it is a #beautifulsunday! I hope yours has been also!
it's the last day of the heatwave they promissed , we desperitly need some rain here
Drop your address here. I'll send you some of my extra! 🤣
the forecast say we might have some tommorow 16:00 - 17:00 ish if they fail to deliver i might fax you the orderform 🤣🤣
Hehe... I'll be right here waiting.
I am on the edge. But not that edge. Something else. On the edge of becoming homeless (again). I lost my current rent. I have to find a new rent, and move out of my current rent before 2022.09.10, because the government sold the house. At first it was 2022.08.30, but the mayor gave an extension.
Very hard to find a rent with a Harris's hawk. Almost nobody allows it in their house. After many phonecalls, I successfully arranged a personal discussion for today. Hopefully it will be good. I already know that there is no electricity and no tap water in that house. But I accept that. Even such a house is more than nothing. The house is on the edge of Szolnok, Hungary. So if I will go there, then I will be on the edge again. But at least not the edge of homelessness.
I am currently on a bus to Szolnok, Hungary.
I guess I didn't know it was owned b the government. Not much notice? That is criminal, actually. If they are going to do that, they should at least be responsible enough to find you another place.
Even though she is your pet and you are very attached to her, as a landlord myself, I am not sure what my stand would be on that. On one hand, it is your pet and on the other hand, it is a hawk. I am not saying it is right, but, I can understand it. I want to know how people can rent a house with no water and no electricity. With winter coming, it will put you in another whole position of need. That is shameful for your government. I would not be able to rent my house without electricity or water. (Not that I would, how inhumane!) Unless it is set up to be without, with cooking facilities outside and a well to pump from, how does that landlord expect someone to live? I hope you will continue to look in the meantime.
I am sorry things are messy right now, and I hope that you are able to remedy your situation soon. Make an appointment with the mayor to discuss this. You might not get an appointment, but, your voice might be heard. Go to a newspaper and tell them you want to advertise for a room as you are being displaced.
I had just gone to bed when you were writing this, so I am just getting to it hours later. It was probably about 2:30 am for me. I hope your day worked out and perhaps this man knows of someone that has another place better suited.
Good luck. I hope something positive comes your way.
They gave me one month. This is legal. At least in my country (Hungary).
Many people live like this. Especially in the countryside. They live in deep poverty.
I do, because this house would not be safe.
Hopefully. I am constantly looking for solutions, and asking people.
A month is legal here too.
I have no words for letting people live like that. It is not humane in any way.
Yes, you cannot live where they will steal right in front of you. How can your brother's friend even think of it?
Don't you think you can try staying with your sister while you look for a place? It is safe and she is family.
What would make you think Spain is any better?
They have tons of refugees also.
I throw a little holy water at you! I will check your posts to see how it goes.
Have a good day tomorrow!
Unfortunately no. I talked about this with her earlier (months ago), but they would not allow my hawk inside the house, and the outside is not safe for my hawk because of predatory animals (for example foxes). They are using the usable space, so there is no space to build an aviary there.
The local problem in my country (in Hungary) are the gypsies. They are not refugees. They were born here. They live here since I do not know when. Most (approximately 90% of them) are very violent. And they rapidly increase in numbers.
Of course I do not say that Spain would be much more safer, but at least I would not freeze to death in the winter, if I become homeless. And I know that their laws allow anyone to keep a Harris's hawk and any other falcon.
I know about a small group of Hungarian people living in caves since approximately a decade. Maybe the best would be to join them, if I will go there. I also know that they have solar powered electricity to charge their phones, their laptops, and to listen to music. Their place is probably at least somewhat safer than my neighborhood, if no one steal their belongings.
The whole world needs something like that. Thank you.
I know how important the Harris Hawk is to you, but, honestly, she is stopping you from a safe living situation. Have you thought of finding her a kind and loving home where she will be safe? I cannot see you going homeless.
Do you know of these cave people? Or is it something you have heard of? Do you think you can just show up and they will eagerly make room for one more?
I know all about gypsies. Some came to the US and settled in the Northeast in the cities. My mother was terrified of them when she was growing up. Everyone used to say they would steal the shoes off your feet if you stood still! LOL
She is my only enjoyment in life. The only thing I truly love. I do not want to give up her. We have a very close connection. To be honest, I was homeless multiple times in my life, even as a kid. So it would not be an entirely new thing.
Currently I know only one. But they are not in mainland Spain. They are in Tenerife, Canary Islands. I would have to go there by ship from Spain. They have space. I would have to take part in everyday things, which is obvious. I talked to their "leader" on Facebook a few years ago. I see his photos. They are still there.
They are right. Most of the gypsies are barbarous, savage, merciless thieves. I am trying to avoid them, but there are many in my country (in Hungary). As I heard, most of them lives in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County. I have not even visited that county so far. It is near the border of Slovakia (Košice Region).
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Thank you for the upvote @indiaunited and @bhattg ! Much appreciated!
I loved the picture of the kitten. All the images are beautiful indeed.
Thank you. I have to admit, I love my little kitties! :)
The #SublimeSunday was cooled with beautiful things. I really love all the photographies as they speak life. The quote about "Raphl Waldo Emerson" is such motivational message to some of us. Thanks for dropping a good post.
What did you find particularly motivational?
I love the #SublimeSunday and #BeautifulSunday tags. It is such a lovely way to share your life in a post. The photos I take remind me of the different stages of growth. Nature is amazing.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words @jude9
Wonderful writing and beautiful photography. You have captured those photography beautifully
Thank you so much. Your comments are too kind. I hope you have a super Sunday!
Thank you for the repost @pixresteemer! Much appreciated!
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Mo dog passed away yesterday... haven't shared here yet. Broken right now. Sitting with it. And then distracting myself in patches until it hits me again. Like now.
Busy processing. And writing what I want to share in my head. Which may never be written of course...
And then I found this.
― Ralph Waldo Emerson
Your stuff resonates very deeply with both my personal perspective and my soul (sister ❤️)
We never stop missing the ones who've passed on. It would be a shame to pretend we have forgotten them, just to appease our fear of life (which includes death, of course) that our society seems to think is "normal" or "acceptable".
Thanks for sharing 🙏
Such a beautiful sublime Sunday Denise, it is one of the blessed and sweetest restful fun days of the week. Anything goes on a Sunday, action, leisure, resting,, it is all so personal depending on the mood and if family are visiting, I spent my Sunday with flowers in the garden, in the vases full of words flowing out of me in a post not even thinking of Sunday. So easy to get lost in pretty flowery blooms of thoughts. 🌸