Reflection: It's the End of the Day... and I Have NO Idea What I Did Today!

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

No, this is not a post about growing old and senile, nor a post about early onset Alzheimers... it's more a reflection of being very busy and reaching that point where you have worked so many days straight that one day just blends into the next.


Of course, I'm up way past my normal bedtime here... as has often been the case, as of late.

But to get back to the title of this post... it is now 1:40 in the aye-em and I really can't remember what exactly I did today, although I do know that I was extremely busy all day long.

The busy-ness?

Oh, you might remember me whining about our upcoming property tax bill. It's due at the end of this month... and, of course, I am also trying to "just earn a living" to cover just the day-to-day cost of life, on top of needing to make $6,200 in short order.


I have a very vague sense of what I did today... and it included a little bit of pretty much all the "somethings" that normally eat up my time. It also involved the ongoing process of getting Mrs. Denmarkguy's new computer fully operational; essentially the time-consuming nonsense of removing all the factory-installed "bloatware" that comes on a box you buy from a major OEM.

In the end, we had to dump all her initial software installs and just do a "clean install" of Windoze 11 from scratch, in order to get rid of all the crap that was slowing down the machine. Yeah, yeah, I know... why don't we just use some kind of open source operating system? Well, since Mrs. Denmarkguy is a mainstream social media influencer, a lot of those things just don't run well unless you have something like Windows and Chrome.


That's right. We're not "true anarchists." We can't make a living being true anarchists...

But anyway... the day just seems to be more or less a fog. But I know that I got a lot done! Hopefully all the eBay auctions that end tomorrow will bring that final $1,000 needed to make the payment, so I can go back to having a life again... and maybe I can actually start blogging about something again, instead of just telling you that I've forgotten what it was I was going to write about.

And with that, I'm going to see if sleep can catch up with me! Have a great Sunday!

How about YOU? Have you ever had a day at the end of which you just can't remember what you did that day? Was it stress and busy-ness related? Or for some other reason? Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!


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Created at 20220320 1:55 PST



:-) oh I love your little panda bear hopping over the screen :-) very nice

Happens often to me too what you describe, sometimes there are weeks where I miss a day! Do you know this feeling? Why is it Thursday, where is the Wednesday gone?
I think this mostly happens to me on days with a lot of everyday the same kind of remote or desktop work, not on days with physical activity.
Maybe it depends on the fact that our whole body also stores memories, memories we can "feel"could be better reminded?
And the nemories wich are "only in our head" without asociated "movings" seem rather than a movie we just watched than our life we lived?
Hm, not sure, just a thought.

Wish you a great rememorable Sunday ;-)

Thank you! My wife is the household "graphics queen" and makes a lot of these kinds of things.

I'm not sure what the underlying mechanics are... but I'm inclined to agree that a lot of sameness — which definitely holds true when you work from home — is partially responsible. And I've been trying to go at double-speed for a couple of months, in order to meet a very large bill due at the end of March.

Thats true and crazy also because one would think you save much time doing home work. I for myself rather see the oposite.

Good luck with the Bill! Added some Cent to your basket, wished my vote worth would have been higher.
Happy weekend :-)

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