So yeah.
I have that Supertramp song rolling through my head, the beginning has that line that creates one heckuva ear virus 🎵It was early morning yesterday, I was up before the dawn...🎶
Let's chat for a moment about ears. I purchased a pair of earpluggies that actually do what they say they do, lower the intense sounds around you and make life a little more bEARable for those of us with sensetive natures. That would be me, in spite of my Valkyrie presense.
Flare earplugs may calm us through the night, but not when they disappear into your ear.
Cuz that's what happened.
I gently woke The Big Guy up with the great news that I was okay, but we needed to head to the E.R. because the contractions were coming about five minutes apart.
He blinked. I said, "We're having a baby."
He blinked again and I said, "This is me trying to not be scared sh*tless, but I have an earplug stuck in my ear, and it's starting to really hurt."
He huggled me and said, "How does that even happen?"
Heck if I know. Seriously. I have no idea how it got lodged into my ear. I was born with a huge head and the brains to go with it, but ...
So the E.R. was super quiet, Thank the Gods and all whom I pray to, and they were able to get us in right away. They kept asking me how the heck it happened and I just DON'T KNOW!!!
They actually have a cool little pair of tweezer gizmos for this sort of thing.
When they pulled it out of my ear, I wrapped it in a tiny tissue and cuddled it, then asked The Big Guy if we could name it Liam. The nurse blinked a few times, however, she got it because she chuckled and told us to go home and disinfect the baby.
On our drive home we played the game of "Which light is the moon?" and decided not to stay up.
I woke up at 11:11.
And that's my story for the weekend. I will, however, be writing to the good people at Flare, because no-where on their packaging does it say that trips to the E.R. are possible. They need to add that.
Just saying.
(If you think you qualify, you probably do!)
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Glad Liam was born without complications…
Yikes. TBH it really does beg the question: How does that even happen? 🤣
What are those for?
I have the aluminium post Flare ones with the squishy buds. They are good - not sure if I could lose them in my ear though!
Noise reduction ... and honestly, they work great, as long as they don't creep into your ear. LOL!
Seriously though, I did like them until the woe begotten dawn of the deed.