Crapping Snowballs

in Silver Bloggers2 months ago


As you may have gathered from a couple of the previous posts, it is cold in my part the U.S. The temps dropped to near 1 degree Fahrenheit last night. With the windchill factor it went into the negatives easily.

Even with our heated home there was a chill in the house. I am just glad we have a heated home or I'd be crappin' snowballs for sure. I grew up with cold winters, but something about getting older makes the cold much less tolerable.

Anyhow, the temps are falling again tonight. It is not supposed to be as bad, but still colder than a well diggers ass when we get out in the morning for my appointment at the VA hospital. We should be okay though. Paths are shoveled, driveway is clear, we have warm winter clothes, and a car with a heater.

The appointment is for a surgery consult for a hernia. No big deal. They may decide to not even do a surgery. It doesn't hurt me right now and it has not grown in size for a couple of months. Even if they do surgery, it is a standard one they do a lot. Like I said, there is no sleep being lost over any of it.

Then again maybe there is which is why I am writing about it. The past year already brought me two surgeries, one for my retina and the other an appendectomy. Man is 2025 gonna start off with a bang if I have another surgery for this issue.

Oh well, enough of that garbage.

It will be nice to get out tomorrow, even if it will be cold. The snnow hasn't had a chance to really melt, so it still has a pretty wintery look outside. Even if my yard is more of an ice rink than a field of snow.

I don't ice skate, or never have tried actually.

Well, my thoughts just went blank and lost my train of thought to were I was going with this post. Sorry to disappoint, but you may have wasted all your time reading this far. I could take a break on go look for the left arm of Foxy the Snowman (see image).

It is doubtful I will find it as it was probably one of our terrorist cats that tore it off and ran away with it. Most likely it is already sitting in the basement chewed to oblivion. The good wifey may just need to find something else at a craft store to replace it.

I would just break off the other arm so he matches.

I think this may be the last of this post as I intended to take the day off from posting anything. However, for some reason I just felt the need to unload my thoughts.

Please stay warm!

Thanks for reading,

-All content is mine unless otherwise annotated.
-Images are my own unless otherwise noted.
-Photos edited using MS Paint.
-Page Dividers from The Terminal Discord.


Banner image from Hive Veterans Discord Server


When I feel a chill, I put on one of my cardigan sweaters and brew up a nice cup of tea. Sounds like you got a lot on your mind other than posting, meanwhile, I am trying to maintain what ability I have left to type comments. My attention span seems much shorter nowadays.
Hmmm, I miss having a purring cat on my lap.

Having a piece of confort clothing is a must. I keep a beanie cap next to my chair to place on my head sometimes. Also, there is an old blanket my wife received when she was 13 years old that I cover my legs with. Tea sounds good, but I have a nice cup of coffee next to me right now. Most likely it is the reason my sleep is so sporadic all the time.

Yes, there are some things on my mind, but not so much the potential surgery. They are more personal and related ot family. Maybe when the time comes and the angst wears off, I will talk about it here.

The last three months I have been absent from Hive and the Discords. But don't let my absence, nor my silence mean I don't think about many of my firends here, of which I consider you one. Did you lose your cat? If so I am so sorry. Pets are such a comfort and wonderful confidants.

Peace my friend,

 2 months ago  

Weird to think we're melting here in the Southern Hemisphere, please send some snow our way!
I hope your hernia behaves! I had the op, and it wasn't such a big deal...except, to be honest, it is rather painful. If you have it done, check YouTube videos on how to get in and out of bed, that was the biggest issue.
Hope all goes well @coinjoe, stay inside and keep warm!

I wish I could send some snow your way. Thanks for the well wishes.

We were at about 6 degrees F here overnight, which is about where it should be for this part of the country. But I'm surprised at the historic snowfall amounts in many southern states normally known for their warm winters. What in the world is going on with the weather.

Oh, and I have Foxy's other arm and am holding it for ransom. Have the wife bake me one of her delicious coconut custard pies, and deliver it to the dropbox at the nearest fire station. It was an inside job and your cat's been working with me the whole time. Gotta watch them cats! They're conniving! :) lol!


Yeah, it is kind of normal for here too, but still don't like it. We have friends living in different locations down south, and they seem paralyzed down there.

There will be no ransom paid. Keep Foxy's arm, eat it for all I care. In fact, you can have his other so he matches.😀

The snnow hasn't had a chance to really melt

We haven't even had the chance to have half decent snow for a day at least.

I hope you won't get surgery, but if you do, fingers crossed and get well soon!

Well, you are welcome to our next round of it when it comes. We are tired of it already.

Thank you for the well wishes. All is fine and if I have the surgery, it will just be a small challenge is all.

Sometimes you just gotta unload, Joe. Hopefully you feel better for having done so. Good luck on your Dr. appointment tomorrow and I hope Foxy gets a new arm lol

Thanks. I really not trying to unload, but more trying to get the thoughts about it straight in my head. Hopefully that makes sense.

Foxy may just have to remain a one arm snowman.

Best of luck to you with your consult today or tomorrow. It's still pretty cold here, but not as bad as it has been. We got a couple inches of snow though, and that has made things pretty dicey! I am thankful for heat at home as well. My office on the other hand has been broken the past couple of days and it has been miserable!

Thanks. Regretfully I woke up this morning and my chest cold was wrose and Im hugging the commode. Had to reschedule. Probably no post for today or even tomorrow.

Glad you have heat at home at least.

Oh dang,that stinks! I hope you get feeling better. I know there have been a lot of bugs going around again lately.

Oh the bitter cold it has gotten so cold here as well. But the thing is we haven't hardly got any snow, no complaints. I turned on the news this morning to see a New Orleans of all places got 10 inches of snow. Feel for them as they are not use to it.

Oh the hernia, I had one a few years ago. I had surgery but didn't need the mesh as the doc was able to move it so it wouldn't be a problem. Your right, a very common and not threatening surgery. Anyways I hope you can avoid surgery that way your not out of commission for a few days. Take care.

Yeah, we have some friends done south living in various places and they are basically paralyzed.



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the heater is necessary in winters for sure. hope you get well soon. does hernia affect the spine?

No, this is an abdominal hernia.

oh. that i didn't know. hope you feel better soon

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Hope it all went well Joe and you have a good week.

Oh it was rescheduled but I’m not sweating it to bad. I need to get over this chest cold right now.

Okay, yes shake that cold away!

I slept alot today and feeling a little better. Gonna grab some more rest here in a little and hopefully shke it for good.

Excellent and glad to hear it.