The changes in my way of seeing the world. Memoirmonday 32

in Silver Bloggers6 days ago

I can't deny that my worldview has changed over time, from a thoughtless stance, which changed radically when I had my first daughter, to the more leisurely, more reflective one I have today.


Before I had children I didn't take much care of myself, I didn't have my own plans, I followed the guidelines that were set for me, at any pace. When I had my first daughter, my worldview changed, I knew what it was like to be responsible for another being that I had brought into the world. I think I became serious and controlling. I wanted the best life for my daughter, and for her not to go through what I went through.

I remember that I used to like to go in cars with drivers who were very fast, but once I had her, I was overcome with fear for my own life and personal safety. What would happen if I was gone?

Then, with the responsibility of work and the new members of the family, who were arriving, four in total, another change occurred. Now I had my own house and that feeling of having a home where we were happy was with me all the time. I worked all year long so that I could give her a nice vacation when August came.


I focused on my work and my own ongoing training process, I did specialization and two postgraduate studies, I finished one of the master's degrees, the other was left unfinished, because the university broke the agreement it had with another foreign institution, but although I did not obtain the degree, I did obtain a set of valuable knowledge for my work.

I started in the world of technology and blogs, and I saw in technological development a great possibility for the dissemination of knowledge. Meanwhile, my children were going through their own educational processes: one with a degree in comprehensive education, another with a TSU in Tourism and an English teacher, a mechanical engineer and another who dedicated himself to the creation of musical instruments: a talented luthier devoted to the world of music.

The fact that each child has his own path has changed my worldview once again. It is time for me to retire and start in the field of plastic arts. Painting in oil and watercolor became a fascinating activity, which gave me joy and the satisfaction of seeing many finished works exhibited in galleries in the city.

One of my oil paintings

But one does not transform alone, one is part of a society and the changes that occur have an impact on our vision of the world. Suddenly it is not up to me that things happen, there is a world that dictates patterns to which one adheres because there is no other way out. It is a matter of intelligent adaptation. Either one gets frustrated and gives in to depression or one becomes resilient, I have opted for the latter.

Currently, with a health problem, which limits me, for now, in my decision-making, I try to be calm, waiting for the medical procedures that are to come. I do not think about the future, I am grateful for each morning that I have a new day, adapting to the decisions that arise, trying to be as best as possible without anxiety or anguish, aware of the harmful effects that stress has on my health.

This is my participation in the invitation that @ericvancewalton makes in his Monday Memory.

Thank you for your kind reading.

My content is original.
I have used Google translator.
My own images.


Los hijos cambian todo nuestro mundo. Preciosa pintura, eres todo una artista, ya quisiera yo dibujar o pintar tan lindo con tanto detalle.

Muchísimas gracias. Sí, los hijos son nuestros maestros de la vida.

To everyone of us, many things have changed in our perception of the world. Good day, Ma'am

We are constantly changing, some gradually, others faster, but we are not static, and that makes life more interesting. Thanks for commenting.

Life is a succession of changes to which we must adapt, some are good others not so good but I believe like you that resilience is important to adapt to the changes we must face.

I hope you get better and recover from the health condition. It is wise to live one day at a time and enjoy the present.
Muchos saludos!

Thanks for the advice, it's always good to remember that, live one day at a time without despairing.

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