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RE: Memoir Monday: What were your favorite books or stories when you were a child?

in Silver Bloggers3 months ago

How nice to read you, that trip to childhood with the comic supplements is another unforgettable memory. My oldest friend shares with me the experience of having exchanged these comics and then they were the photo novels that I put inside the book to read secretly.
My library rests in boxes, for reasons that are not relevant, but they live on, I know they do.

Qué agradable leerte, ese viaje a la infancia con los suplementos de comiquitas es otro recuerdo imborrable. Mi amiga más antigua comparte conmigo la experiencia de habernos intercambiado estos comic y después fueron la fotonovelas que metía dentro del libro para leer a escondidas.
Mi biblioteca reposa en cajas, por motivos que no vienen al caso, pero viven, yo sé que sí.


I remember when they “ransacked” the university, I had a lot of books in my office. It still hurts me today to have left them behind, because I felt that I had abandoned them and that they had ceased to exist because of me. I hope you can, sometime, take your books out of the boxes and you can feel again “their heartbeat”. Hugs, friend