Memoir Monday #23// I can only say “Thank you God”🙏

in Silver Bloggerslast month


What I am going to tell you today is a story that happened to me at the end of October of last year; more than a story it is a miracle of God, because He gave us the opportunity to see my husband be born again, after a disease in his liver kept us in a sea of anguish for more than a month.

Being strong in the midst of such a distressing situation is not easy, being the pillar that keeps a house sustained is a responsibility. Inside you know that you cannot falter and even if your eyes want to shed tears you cannot, even if your heart is jumping up and down you cannot let it get out of control, because you! You must keep your nerves of steel and tell your family, your husband and your children that everything is going to be okay!


All that and more was what I felt at that moment when a doctor told me to take your husband to the hospital urgently. And that was what the doctor in charge of the lab repeated to me when she herself came out in person to give me the blood results.

My husband's white blood cells were over 55,000, it was crazy, no one knew how he was still standing and everyone was pointing to a terrible diagnosis.

It had been several days since we had started a course of antibiotics sent by an internist, we had hired a private nurse to put it in his vein. We thought she was going to be fine, but even the nurse knew that the treatment was not working and she herself, thanks to her years of experience, recommended a soft tissue ultrasound. I will always say that it was thanks to her suspicion that we reacted and were able to realize that we had to go another way.


That same day, at 9:00 p.m. on a Monday, we were entering the Vargas Hospital emergency room and from there began a nightmare that I don't even want to remember.

All the doctors were amazed to see my husband's abdomen, swollen, about to explode, they saw the exams and asked a lot of questions. He was immediately confined and started a stronger antibiotic treatment.


I am just going to tell you that it was not easy, you have all heard stories from my country and I am telling you that being in a public hospital in Venezuela is not easy.

The real miracle happened from the first night we fell into the hands of the best doctor in that hospital, Internist Williams, he and his medical team did everything possible to save my husband.

Another miracle was that money came from everywhere so that we could pay for everything the doctors asked for; here for example an MRI cost almost $500 and the exams were $20, $30 and $40 every other day.


If it had not been for the help that came from our family and friends, I don't know how I would have overcome that situation.

We spent 22 days like that, until they discovered that it was not leukemia, nor a tumor in the liver as everyone thought, but a liver abscess from which they extracted almost a liter of pus with blood.

From that day on the recovery began, that operation is another favor that I have to thank God for having guided the hands of Dr. Natalio Carrera who did the operation along with the ultrasound doctor.

Dr. Willians

I never left my husband alone for a second in that hospital, I always told him “I came with you and I'm going home with you” I didn't care about anything, I didn't care about cleaning the place, I didn't care about carrying water, giving him food in his mouth, going back and forth to get everything the doctors asked for. And when one truly loves, nothing seems heavy, nothing is a burden.

I offered everything to my God, I just wanted him to be well.

One afternoon when I saw the hospital chapel open I could enter and I prayed, cried and unburdened myself to God and to Dr. Jose Gregorio Hernandez, the saint of the poor. There I gave everything to God and put everything in his hands. I do not know why from that day on I felt peace in my heart, I felt that I was not alone and I felt such a great confidence that I knew that my husband was going to be saved.

Dr. Carrera

Today I feel a deep gratitude to God because the happiest day of my life was when we left that place, I prayed and continue to pray for all those who remained in those hospital beds and I ask God to help them to move forward as he helped my husband.

Here on earth there are also angels, I can never forget and stop thanking the doctors, doctors, nurses of that hospital who work with all their love. I also have to thank my family, my children and friends who reached out to me in the midst of that need.

And my husband has been such a good person in that world that I truly believe he deserved that second chance.


There are many days in my life that deserve to be mentioned, the birth of my children, or the day I was able to make my life's dream of becoming a policeman come true, or I could also mention the day I got married or graduated, the day I was reunited with my family after the civil ceremony, or those incredible trips that I have been able to make here in Venezuela.

But definitely this day when we went home and hugged as a family will forever be marked as the best day of my life.

I can only say “Thank you God”.🙏

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Que momento tan difícil pasaste, me imagino que en esos días te sentiste muy mal. Es terrible enfermarse en nuestro país, por fortuna tuvieron la suerte de encontrarse con un buen especialista. Me alegra que todo haya salido bien estimada @carolinacardoza. Un fuerte abrazo desde Maracay.

así mismo es mi estimado amigo, fueron dia de dificultad pero Dios me mantuvo en pie; fue ese amor y esa fe en Dios que nunca perdí la esperanza que José se iba a salvar.

Amiga que historia de unión familiar y lucha más bonita nos has contado , he quedado muy emocionada , mientras más leía más quería leer, es difícil ser el centro de un hogar pero es tan lindo ver cómo todos se unen y apoyan , cuánto me alegro de ese final. Disfruta mucho de tu familia 💞

Bueno tu sabes del amor por la familia porque siempre leo tus publicaciones, es difícil estar tranquilo cuando alguien de nuestro entorno no esta pasándola bien. asi ea por una simple gripe uno se preocupa, asi somos las madres.

✍️👌 Top article @carolinacardoza friend!
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