What an unusual post. Well unusually kick started to what I always expect of your lovely photographic walks @bluemoon. Totally agree with you about the glamorous couple @traisto and @fotostef. They truly have added a sweet nectar to the Hive. As for Denise, well how many of us would probably not be here - or at least not happily buzzing around - if it weren't for the gentle @dswigle. She is the bees knees! Hmmmmmm....actually if I think of Hive and all the quiet behind the scenes encouragement she is the perfect queen bee complete with a bouquet of flowers as her crown
"Once again I was lost for words. I started with an idea that I lost along the way because I have to admit I wanted this post to be otherwise" Perfectly summed up because; as you say - reading can turn an ordinary day into a special one
I wanted to try it a different way, let's say I'm in research. I'm glad I can say we have mutual friends and I'm glad they are so special.
Tracey ❤️ Honestly...Throws you a hug!