Retirement or IKIGAI? ... IKI - what?

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago

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( EN / DE )

Ikigai is a kind of "life model" from Japan that has been explained to us in many guidebooks in recent years. It means in the broadest sense "worth living".

Which one likes to do
Which one can do well
What the world needs
Which one is paid for

If you manage to combine these four areas in your "work", you will live a happy, fulfilled and healthy life.

This week's dreemport Challenge topic, along with the Silver Blogger Community, is RETIREMENT and here are my thoughts on the subject.

Looking back on my life, I had many plans, but life kept always having other plans for me. Relationships fell apart and at the Covid time showed us all that no system is indestructible.

Last but not least, I was never married, never became a mother and as far as my retirement is concerned, I am missing some years of contributions to get a pension worth mentioning here in Austria. Apart from that, I am too young for a pension anyway, and quite honestly, even today, when I look around at how they all struggle in their unloved hamster wheels, I still don't see that as desirable.

These considerations now brought me to the IKIGAI. The Japanese, who maintain this lifestyle, do not have to retire. Why should they? Coupled with a certain amount of frugality, they do what they love to do best, so why stop at a certain age?

In my opinion, we have created a system, no rather a system has been imposed on us, that keeps the majority apart from living a good life.
But it doesn't work without the retirement dream, does it?
Think about this:
How could you get people to do work they don't like at all and that makes them sick, if there wasn't that glimmer of hope of a pension at the end of a certain time?

Only the prospect of the dream of "then I can do what I want", I just have to hold out for "the few years" now, coupled with the crazy consumer frenzy to which we all succumb, gets us into this hamster wheel.

That many are tired and worn out at the end of this journey, even many are no longer so fit due to age?
That circumstances in the system can also change and, as we are seeing increasingly right now, many people (who had relied on it all their lives) suddenly find themselves in financial difficulties after all and can no longer afford their accustomed standard of living now in the long-awaited retirement?
That some don't even experience it?
That yet others fall into a hole of futility just because they are now "too old"?

All not so important ;-) The main thing is that the system continues to run.

All well and good, but how should it work differently? Where would we end up if everyone (see the model of the unconditional basic income) was free and didn't have to work?

Well, of course I don't know where we would get with other social systems, no one can say for sure. But I think we would get much further, so many of us would be healthier and we would see really positive innovations and projects.

Approaches to this could be:
Paying more attention to the talents and inclinations of children and encouraging them.
Not always having to follow every trend, but simply being more frugal.
Less competition and more togetherness.
To reflect on what one really wants and needs deep in one's heart.

Such thoughts still do not fit into our world view and our system is built differently. But systems can crumble to dust - plans can be thwarted by life - what remains is to some extent our personal environment of family, friends, networks. But even these are unfortunately not always guaranteed.

Thus, the path of personal IKIGAI seems to me more desirable than waiting for retirement in the distant future. Striving for the best possible life in the here and now more important than unhappily exhausting yourself more and more from year to year.

After all, what does it really take to be happy?

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Ruhestand oder IKIGAI? - IKI-was?

Ikigai ist eine Art „Lebensmodell“ aus Japan, das uns in den letzten Jahren in vielen Ratgebern erklärt und angepriesen wurde. Es bedeutet im weitesten Sinne „lebenswert“

Das was man gerne tut
Das was man gut kann
Das was die Welt braucht
Das wofür man bezahlt wird

Wer es schafft, diese vier Bereiche in seiner „Arbeit“ zu vereinen, der lebt ein glückliches, erfülltes und gesundes Leben.

Das dreemport Challenge Thema der Woche ist gemeinsam mit der Silver Blogger Community: Ruhestand/Rente/Pensionierung und hier sind meine Gedanken zu diesem Thema.

Wenn ich auf mein Leben blicke, dann hatte ich viele Pläne, doch das Leben hatte immer wieder andere Pläne mit mir. Beziehungen gingen auseinander und spätestens die Covid Zeit hat uns allen gezeigt, dass kein System unzerstörbar ist.

Zuguterletzt war ich niemals verheiratet, wurde niemals zur Mutter und auch was meine Pensionierung anbelangt fehlen mir da einige Beitragsjahre um hier in Österreich eine erwähnenswerte Rente zu erlangen. Abgesehen davon bin ich ohnehin zu jung für Rente und ganz ehrlich, auch heute noch, wenn ich mich umsehe, wie sie sich alle in ihren ungeliebten Hamsterrädern abstrampeln, dann sehe ich das immer noch nicht als erstrebenswert.

Diese Überlegungen brachten mich nun zum IKIGAI. Die Japaner nämlich, die diesen Lebensstil pflegen, die müssen gar nicht in Rente gehen. Warum sollten sie auch? Gepaart mit einem gewissen Maß an Genügsamkeit tun sie das, was sie am liebsten tun, am besten können, warum also damit in einem bestimmtem Lebensalter aufhören?

Meiner Meinung nach haben wir uns ein System geschaffen, nein vielmehr wurde uns ein System aufgedrängt, dass sehr viele von uns von einem gutem Leben abhält.
Aber es geht ja auch nicht ohne den erlösenden Renten-Traum, nicht wahr?
Denk mal darüber nach:
Wie könntest du Menschen zu einer Arbeit bringen, die sie nicht mögen und die sie krank macht, wenn da nicht dieser Hoffnungsschimmer auf eine Rente am Ende einer gewissen Zeit wäre?

Nur die Aussicht auf den Traum von „dann kann ich tun was ich will“, da muss ich jetzt eben „die paar Jahre“ durchhalten, gepaart mit dem verrückten Konsumrausch, dem wir alle erliegen, bringt uns in dieses Hamsterrad.

Dass viele am Ende dieser Reise müde und ausgelaugt, auch viele durch das Alter nicht mehr so fit sind?
Dass einige das gar nicht erleben?
Dass sich auch die Umstände im System ändern können und wie wir jetzt gerade vermehrt sehen sehr viele Menschen (die ihr Leben lang darauf vertraut hatten) plötzlich doch in finanzielle Schwierigkeiten geraten und sich ihren gewohnten Lebensstandard jetzt in der lang ersehnten Rente nicht mehr leisten können?
Dass wieder andere in ein Loch von Sinnlosigkeit fallen, nur weil sie jetzt „zu alt“ sind?

Alles nicht so wichtig ;-) Hauptsache das System läuft weiter.

Schön und gut, aber wie soll es denn anders funktionieren? Wo kämen wir hin, wenn jeder (siehe Modell des bedingungslosen Grundeinkommens) frei wäre und nicht arbeiten müsste?

Nun, natürlich weiß ich nicht wohin wir mit anderen Gesellschaftssystemen kommen würden, das kann niemand genau sagen. Aber ich glaube, dass wir viel weiter kommen würden, dass so viele von uns gesünder wären und wir wirklich positive Innovationen und Projekte sehen würden.

Ansätze dazu wären
Schon bei den Kindern mehr auf die Talente und Neigungen zu achten und sie darin zu fördern.
Nicht immer bei jedem Trend mitmachen zu müssen, sondern durchaus einfach mal genügsamer zu sein.
Weniger Konkurrenz und mehr Miteinander
Sich zu besinnen, was man wirklich tief im Herzen will und braucht.

Solche Gedanken passen immer noch nicht in unser Weltbild und unser System ist anders aufgebaut. Doch Systeme können zu Staub zerfallen – Pläne können vom Leben durchkreuzt werden – was bleibt, das ist bis zu einem gewissen Grad unser persönliches Umfeld aus Familie, Freunden, Netzwerken. Aber auch diese sind leider nicht immer garantiert.

Somit erscheint mir der Weg des persönlichen IKIGAI erstrebenswerter als das Warten auf eine Rentenzeit in ferner Zukunft. Das Streben nach dem bestmöglichem Leben im Hier und Jetzt wichtiger, als sich unglücklich von Jahr zu Jahr immer mehr auszupowern.

Denn, was braucht es wirklich um glücklich zu sein?

fotos from Unsplash FindeZukunft
mostly translated with (free version)


Sorry, I forgot to translate!!! 😅

I can't agree more. The current system makes people sick, but most of them don't want to get out of it. With the Covid19 pandemic I thought there would be a change to a better world and the opposite is happening.

I got off that hamster wheel and I hope I don't get on it again. Now is when I started to live.

Great that you Made it out of it! It seems it even get worse when I look around me

I sent 1.0 HUG
(1/2)Dear @palomap3, you just got hugged. on behalf of @beeber.

It seems to be a global phenomenon. It is also not new in the history of humanity. We only evolve the technology we use. 😅

 2 years ago  

what did you used to do before you got off the wheel, Paloma? And what do you do now? Did you find the transition a challenge or relatively easy? I ask because... I have been considering getting off the wheel for some time now... I'd love to do something different... but I just wonder how I would fit in the transition. !LUV

I would give to write a book. 😂

He worked in an association with people affected by stroke. They took advantage of me and I didn’t know how to make myself respected.

I ended up sick, with anxiety and depression. Instead of helping me, they all ignored me. The company, the doctor, the psychiatrist of the labor mutual. They told me that I would go over working, when I had continuous panic attacks.

I had to resign without compensation, no subsidy or help. Since then I live on my husband’s salary and our savings. Thank you that we have always saved a part for what could happen.

The transition was very hard. I ran out of self-esteem, I hated myself and could barely go out on the street. I thought it wasn’t worth anything, that it didn’t deserve anything.

Hive has been my hope to get out of that hole. Here I find a reason to get up every morning. I know it’s a very long road. Also that my income will not look like what I received when I worked for others. I don’t expect miracles either, I just aspire to be able to produce a complement to my home. If more came, it’s better, but I don’t look forward to it.

The past suffering has been worth it because it has brought me to where I am now and has given me the strength not to look back. I know where I don’t want to go back.

In addition, I have reduced my expenses and I have taken away everything superfluous. I have discovered that I really need very little to feel good. And that only being good with myself can I think of being good with the world.

Sorry for the mess, I hope you didn’t fall asleep reading. 😂 I only count here a very small part!

You can ask me whatever you want to know, dear Sam. !LUV youuu. ❤️

 2 years ago  

Oh my goodness, dear sweet Paloma 🤗That sounds like you went through a terrible experience; I can understand how that knocked you so badly 😔 Nobody should have to go through anything like that. But I am so pleased that you are no longer working in that toxic environment even though you were pushed, it sounds like it wasn't nurturing you and definitely not worth the pain. Please don't lose self-belief. You are an amazing person, a strong woman, and incredibly kind and supportive of those around you. I hope Hive brings you much joy and prosperity and maybe in time you find that role that you want to pursue again. You and @beeber have truly given me a lot of food for thought !LUV you too!!! 💗🙏

We all carry our backpack in our backs. Mine is lighter since I landed here! ❤️😘

Think in your children you already found important part of your ikigai! But If I read right between your lines, your actual job is far away from something you love? Thats Not good in a long run.
Hi dear @samsmith1971 :-) this is also the reply to your other comment Reading @palomap3 s lines and looking at my actual situation, being healthy and staying healthy ist the highest good we can have.

Me too stayed too long in a exhausting hamster wheel. When I changed this 2 years ago I could do by decreasing my monthly bills. Now living in the family house again, having 2 rooms and my balcony for me is much more than most people on earth have. Though this is not the way most people think it should be in my age!
But it helped me to come from monthly 1500 Eur fix costs only for rent and insurances, down to 300 !
This gave me a lot of freedom. We often dont see how our western lifestyle causes the hamsterwheel.
Of course in this case having no children to feed made it easier.

Selflove, selfcare and as palomap wrote selfesteem, its so important to find and try to celebrate them in every Moment.
Really hope you find a way or another job so you get the Feeling life is great and Feeling totaly fine right now.

 2 years ago  

Thank you, Beeber. It sounds like you absolutely did the right thing for you. And it is so true... our perceptions of how much we need in the Western world to be comfortable, secure, and happy... is all a bit out of whack!

I have spoken up at work. Challenged some perceptions. Now we see where things go... either its a good thing and life at work improves exponentially and my flexibility payoff for my kids becomes worth it... or it goes pear-shaped, which is also a good thing because then I know I need to leave.

Much !LUV

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No puedo estar más de acuerdo. El sistema actual enferma a las personas, pero la mayor parte de ellas no quieren salir de él. Con la pandemia de Covid19 pensé que habría un cambio hacia un mundo mejor y está ocurriendo lo contrario.
Me bajé de esa rueda de hámster y espero no volver a subir a ella. Ahora es cuando he empezado a vivir.

Haha .. io no comprende
But I LOVE to read it, this gives me kind of short Holiday Feeling

It's great to learn from other customs. They are different but they all worship nature and its cycles of light and darkness. ❤️

Elevator jokes are the best
They just work on so many levels.

Credit: reddit

Rumor has it The LOLZ Project runs on !PIZZA @beeber, I sent you an on behalf of @palomap3

Tolle Beitrag Beeber. ich kann viele deine Gedanken wirklich verstehen. Erstmals habe ich Unagi gelesen here. Aber IKIGAI klingt gut, wir brauchen nicht so viel von diesem Kosumwelt um Glücklich zu sein. Aus meine Sicht es muss von innen kommen.

Unagi? Das habe wiederum ich noch nie gehört :-)

Guck Mal das Video, dann alles wird klar!

Ein elitärer, geradezu egoistischer Ansatz, denn niemals kann Ikigai (dass alle 4 Aspekte zutreffen) für alle gelten, denn wer entsorgt den Müll, baut und wartet die Straßen und die Kanalisation, oder arbeitet in der Mine und erzeugt die Rohstoffe, damit Dein Computer läuft, wir Strom und WLAN haben? Nichts für ungut, aber diese Konzepte taugen in unserer komplexen arbeitsteiligen ersten Welt nur für wenige Auserwählte, die anderen schuften im Hamsterrad. Da kann man noch so viel Konsumverzicht betreiben.

Nichts ungut, ich schätze deine offene und ehrliche Art :-)
Natürlich ein kontroverses Thema und ich glaube wir hatten ähnliche schon mehrfach?
Wohl müsste man für solche Tätigkeiten den 4. Punkt in "wofür man entsprechend gut bezahlt und wertgeschätzt" wird ändern. Ich kenne Menschen, die zB den Pflegeberuf lieben, die dafür geschaffen sind, aber am Gehalt und den Arbeitszeitmodellen scheitern. Ich kannte einen Müllmann in München, der seine Arbeit total geliebt hat, weil er genau das mochte und es zu ihm passte.
Und das gilt wohl für jeden Beruf. Aber die Wertschätzung und die gute Bezahlung fehlt für die "dreckigen und anstrengenden Tätigkeiten"

Er kann das gut - Es macht ihm Spass - Es hat Wert für die Welt - aber er wird dafür nicht gut belohnt.
Zumindest wäre es erstrebenswert für einen Großteil der Menschen eines Tages diese Umstände zu verbessern. Vom Ideal, klar, sind wie meilenweit entfernt.

Den Text habe ich geradezu heruntergelesen. sehr schön geschrieben! :)

Weniger Konkurrenz und mehr Miteinander

Ein gewisses natürliches Maß an Konkurrenz finde ich förderlich für den Wachstum. Natürlich dass wir uns auch miteinander austauschen und dadurch dezentral jeder ein bisschen unabhängig mit dem Wissen wird, wie er es auch in Alltag anwenden kann. Aber trotzdem, dass man auch einen Ansporn hat weiter zu machen, die Kleinigkeiten feilen und ausbessern.
Kommt halt drauf an, wer wo seinen Ansporn sieht.

Schon bei den Kindern mehr auf die Talente und Neigungen zu achten und sie darin zu fördern.

Das sehe ich genauso. Mit dem Schulsystem wird dem Kind implantiert, dass es erst Vollwertig in der Gesellschaft ist bei der Absolvierung und Abschluss der Schullaufbahn.
Bevor das Kind in die Schule geht, möchte es lernen, so viel wie möglich.
und in der Schule hat es nach dem 2. Grundschuljahr kein Bock mehr, weil es langweilig ist. und dann gar kein Bock mehr zu lernen, weil es mit Lernen die Langeweile assoziiert (Lerntrauma)
Jedes Kind sollte individuell gefördert werden, aber nicht von staatlich bezahlten Institutionen, sondern deren eigenen Erzeuger. Wieso hat man denn sonst Kinder? Um jedes Kind tagsüber in eine Anstalt zu bringen, selbst zu Arbeiten, und am Abendessen sich zusammen zu treffen um sich über den Alltag auszulassen?

Doch die wichtigste Frage, über all den vielen Fragen, lautet: Was macht dich glücklich? (und für dich: wie setzt du es für dich um, dass du im Hier und Jetzt dich als Individuelles Wesen entfalten kannst mit all deinen Potentialen?)

Viele Grüße :)

Ja stimmt, aber die "Erzeuger" wie du sie nennst, haben eben keine Zeit mehr, weil sie in der Konkurrenz des ständigen Wachstums gefangen sind.

Dieser Wachstum sollte natürlicherweise mit den Kindern zusammen erfolgen. Sodass die Kinder direkt das beste Wissen und Handwerk von den Eltern lernen können..

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Hello @beeber

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I so agree with that way of looking at life. The modern world is designed to make us work until we are squeezed and encourage us to consume so that people have to work more and then consume more, and the wheel doesn't stop. A more frugal and fulfilling life doing something that fulfills us is the way to go. In that scenario, there is no need for the word retirement, right?

Thank you for joining the prompt-challenge ♡


Abolutely right, we have the same point of view and thank you for support !LUV

 2 years ago  

Oh Beeber... I adore this post. It resonates so much with me. Thank you for reminding me of Ikigai 💗I am currently in a decently paid job with great flexible part-time hours (29.5 hours per week)... but I get despondant from time to time... I feel like I am just spinning my wheel in cycles month on month... so I'd love to start planning a move into a role that I could fall in love with that aligns with Ikigai. I am working towards being in the right financial position to be able to make the move... and as you so aptly put it... jump off the hamster wheel and back into joy! ps: Have you found your Ikigai lifestyle yet? What do you do or what are you striving towards? !LUV !ALIVE !LADY

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(5/5) @lolzbot tipped @palomap3

The concept of Ikigai. I never heard of it before now but it sure does sound interesting. Doing the things you love and enjoy and not having to stop. So glad you could share this with us. Absolutely lovely.🤗🌺

Glad you like it :-) Not to forget the two other aspects, serving the world and gettin payed for it

You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(3/10)@jhymi! to your account on behalf of @beeber.

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

That's the whole idea. A pleasure to be able to share in it with you.🤗

I have never heard of the Ikigia concept. Wow, and I have to confess that I love it.

So :-) Just go for it!

You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(2/10)@balikis95! to your account on behalf of @beeber.

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

That's right!

Hi my beeber - it's meeber here! hahhaa

oh my loveliness... hehe this post was beautiful! It was given to me as one of my 5 in DreemPort today! and I'm so happy that it brought me here because these principles are exactly what I strive for...

to me - it seems the way Heaven will be. There will be no money and there will be no need. There will only be a joy to express ourselves and to unite that connection with others in expressing creativity and building new things with the purpose to share!

I agree with you on SO many of the things you said here... that our world is not designed this way. It is designed with SELF first. not other first. no love. no sharing. no generosity.

There are many of us who DO feel the way you described. But without a group of us where that is protected - we are the ones sacrificed at the altar of greed and power and privilege.

But - we find these little circles of groups where we can have a taste of that. And where it thrives. I see that here on Hive in like-minded individuals and communities... (like you, like many others, like communities that thrive on these principles like Ecency and Silver Bloggers and DreemPort too hehehe)

and when we connect there - its enough to fill our well that is constantly being drained by the trials of the anti-life surrounding us!

I"m so thankful for these places that have become a refuge to me - and help me to continually be drawn back to these principles when I get disappointed and want to surrender and just be satisfied with "status quo"

when i read posts like this - it energizes me into thinking - see???? we're not alone. we CAN still live in this way in spite of what's around us!!!

loved this post. on so many levels!!!

and i love you ❤️

Haha youre a real deep true dreemer my meeber :-) Hmmm, reality often seems to be far away from this concept. But Diving deeper its only our thoughts and concepts keeping us apart from what we love to do.
Hive and dreemport are the best places to live our ikigai

I sent 1.0 HUG
(1/2)Dear @dreemsteem, you just got hugged. on behalf of @beeber.

The Ikigal system is fine, though it's my first time if hearing it. But it sounds better to be allowed to continue doing what you love, with no age limit, as far as your strength can carry. However, there definitely would come a time one may not be able to do anything again-,there comes the retirement. Your tips on growing relationships now and teaching children to love togetherness now is amazing. Retirement time may bring loneliness but being surrounded by families and being allowed to do a little more if what makes you happy is fine. I enjoyed reading this

Why do you think retirement brings lonlyness and that there will be a day in the future where you wont be able to do anything?