The Silver Lining ..

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago


What A Week ..

Hot to cold, slow to fast, relaxed to stressed.. I don't know how else to sum it up. It's been a week. At least I can say that some of the 'Rocks' in my life were still there at the end of it. No matter how crazy the week seems, if it comes to a close and my wife and Molly are there for me.. by my side.. then nothing else matters.

So It Was A Week From Hell ..

To put it bluntly. Not only did my company sell out and (basically) sell me to another employer, on top of all that, my office manager had a severe accident. An accident that left me performing two jobs for the price of one at a very turbulent time as it was. Of course I'm too proud to beg for help.. although I don't know if I would get some anyhow. Also, sometimes things are best done by oneself if one wants them done correctly. lol.

I decided that no time like the present to work on my time management skills. My gosh, what a terrible thing to have to be faced with trauma. I feel for her and pray that she pulls through this set back. I feel terrible for even thinking that I am inconvenienced by such an event. But that's life! We step it up when times get tough... right? I would expect other to do the same for me if I were faced with such a tragedy.


And Maybe A Drink Is What Is Needed ..

Although I usually would say that drinking is not the answer, it was a savior for me this week. It took the edge off an otherwise brutal go at life. I'm not a fan of the Espresso Martini, but sometimes we need to stay awake to enjoy the buzz. Also I had a lot of thinking to do before the weekend comes to an end and I start all over again. Caffeine helps with that. My wife loves this drink and turned me on to it.. We order it 'Creamy', meaning "with Baileys". Try it sometime.. you may like it!


Hey, It's not all that bad.. Every day we learn a little something about ourselves. We learn that we are stronger than we thought and we learn that we have more in the gas tank than we thought we had, when times get tough. It's then when we can relax, reflect, and kiss the week goodbye with a smile.. Things aren't really all that bad. Life is still okay and the drinks helped. I can't lie.


Here's a face that makes things right as rain.. How can you hate how life is treating you when you take a second to look at what is sleeping gently by your side? Molly has been a savior lately. Not a day goes by that I won't find her lying close by while I peck away at the computer. She has been my comfort through many a rough office meeting. She simply lies there, barking in her sleep, and just being 'Miss Chill Molly' through it all. I look down and see her sleeping.. tongue out and all, and can't help but feel my soul slide back to reality. It's the simple things in life that seem to put things into perspective. Simply put, she grounds us.


Hey.. She can't help it.. She's missing a few teeth. Her tongue just seems to sort of fall out every once and a while. It's cute, and hell.. I have NO IDEA what I look like when I'm fast asleep. Maybe I look the same way. BUT let's hope not.

On Top Of All That ..

It got cold out. What the heck! What happened to summer and cool fall temperatures? All of a sudden it's cold like January around these parts. I woke up this morning to temps in the 20's (F). Just last weekend it was near 80 (F) and feeling like summer. Really??!! Come on Autumn.. Don't treat me like this!

I was in shorts and Molly was loving it!


But All Good Things Come To An End ..


Or so they say.. But we are the creators of our own destiny. The writer of our own story. The captain of our own vessel. There are so many other ways to say it, but the meaning is the same. We are who we are because of how we react to the environment and stresses we are faced with. Some will break under the pressures of life, while others will ride the glorious waves of uncertainty.

Life is what we make of it ..

And how we choose to face it, is our own choice. Someone once said, "Get busy living or get busy dying." There really is a lot of truth in that. As for me, I'm going to get busy living and meet these challenges head on. I'm not ready to give up, roll over and die. Nope. I have a lot going for me...

A lovely Supportive Wife

An Awesome Furry Friend Called Molly

And The Little Touches Of Life That Make It All Worth While ...

Along with cold temperatures come the most beautiful sunsets!


I Guess One Could Say, "The Silver Lining"

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“To all those who care,
You can't forever.
Time steals the years,
And your reflection in the mirror.
But I can still see the story in your eyes,
And your timeless passion that’s never died.
While your skin became tired,
Your heart became strong,
The present became the past,
And your memories like a song.
And though the moment at hand is all that we have,
You’ve taught me to live it like it is our last.
Since two words don't say ‘thank you’ the way they are meant to,
I'll try all my life to be something like you.”

― Crystal Woods, Write like no one is reading

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Thank you for swinging by my blog and checking out the post. Have a great day!


All words, pictures and art pieces are the sole property of B D Miller Gallery, unless otherwise noted and credited, and are not to be reproduced or copied without the prior written consent of B D Miller Gallery.


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 2 years ago  

Sounds like a hectic week but you know what they say,

tough times don't last, but tough people do.

...and you have a wonderful support system there!
Take care and take it easy @bdmillergallery 🤗

Hello @lizelle - I apologize for the extremely late reply to your comment. It has been a rough month (To say the very least). I do have a wonderful support system.. The best! Thanks for the community support!

Yeah, like the old saying: "When the going gets tough the tough get drunk!" Or something along those lines.

I was in shorts and Molly was loving it!

When I saw this photo my first thought was "OMG! He BEHEADED the poor dog." Interesting perspective indeed. 🤣

Here's to better days next week. 🥂

It didn't get any better... lol. I'm still alive though. Sorry for the very late reply, but I did appreciate reading it. Be assured I did not remove Molly's head. lol. It sure does look like it though!

It didn't get any better...

Sorry to hear that. In principle, though, every day above ground is a good day. Happy holidays to you and yours!

So very true! 😁

All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me... You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you. - Walt Disney

Rock on bro, have another Espresso Martini and know that you're better than you were, but not as good as you'll be tomorrow.

Have a great weekend.

Sorry for the late late late reply.. Life has spun me in crazy directions lately. Not fun but hanging in there. Once things calm down a bit I'll go get another espresso martini! I'll have one for you and Faith too!

No worries, hopefully this weekend affords you some time to relax a little.

Looks like it will. We have some plans to get some things done and even hang out with friends for the evening. Enjoy yours as well!

 2 years ago  

I don't know how people live without dogs. So sweet that Molly seems to sense your agitation and is staying near to help you. I'm sure being near you helps her as well. Lovely post!

I don't either! She is the little light in our lives and one I can't imagine ever living without. Sorry for the rather late reply @owasco

Dude, really sorry to hear the week sucked, but it's great to see that you were able to take some of the edge off and keep yourself grounded. Sometimes Shit Just Happens, which we are completely unable to control, but it's really good to be able to keep control of one's self in less than ideal situations.

Things will get better!

And then another and another and another... Sucky week that is (Not drinks lol). Guess you could tell due to the lack of being present here on Hive. I said today I am going to take a little time for myself and jump on the chain for a bit. Sucks when life gets crazy. You're right though! It will get better.

I hear ya! People can always tell when I've got shit going on because I simply disappear, too. Priorities! Sometimes attention needs to be diverted to where it's required.

Hope you're having the best December possible, though!

So far so good. Just seems to be racing by like usual. Trying to take time to enjoy it, but hard to do under the circumstances.

Sorry that you had such a rough week! I can only imagine as mine was pretty rough too. Started out quite okay, but then our main server crashed and it was all hell from that point forward. After putting in some time this weekend I think I finally have things pretty much back to normal. Having those people and things to lean on in times like this is definitely a plus!

Thanks @bozz! It didn't get much better but I'm surviving. Sounds like things went wacky for you too! Back online is a good thing. I am sure it was very stressful for you. Sorry for the late reply.. just trying to deal with all this s**t and figure it all out. talk soon! hope all is well with you, your wife and Jovi!

Hey great to hear from you. I actually reached out to you on Discord the other night because I realized I hadn't seen a post from you in a while. I hope all the stress is at least temporary.

Temporary I hope. I do see some light at the end of this tunnel. Hopefully it's not a train heading my way 😆

Haha, I hope so too!

Molly is a chill pill. Honestly having a pet is like having a life boat. I hope things have evened out for you. Take care.

Amen to that! It really is. Our pups have been our life boat several times over and over. I know that yours have been the same for you.

That is so true. These guys are so awesome.

And cute too!😊

Dear @bdmillergallery,
May I ask you to review and support the new HiveSQL Proposal so we can keep it free to use for the community?
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Thank you!

Done! Thank you for the reminder 😊

Thank you for your support @bdmillergallery, really appreciate it! 👍
Without imposing and as we are in a renewal period for proposals, if you could take a look at the HiveBuzz Proposal Renewal - #248 as well 😁

Done! I'm glad you are always on top of reminding me.. lol