Ahhhh.. Somehow I knew you would throw that Robert Frost poem in there at the end! Love it! but you already knew that 😉
Things are changing here, and in a few short weeks the color will be amazing. I'll grab a few shots out by the lake when the full change is here. Looking forward to it. I ad a dream once of walking the entire Appalachian Trial. That was 30 years ago.. The thrill has passed. lol. I do enjoy walking the bits that pass through PA, NJ and NY.
Say Hi to the pretty kitty for me and Molly!
I'm so predictable! Hi, Brad! Looking good! 😁 I do love the AT and we hike different parts of it at different times. I imagined myself doing the whole thing at one go, but, kids and work and and and change everything, but, in a way that none of us can compete with.
BTW, New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut have some of the most challenging parts of the Trail. Hmmm maybe that is wrong, but, definitely New England. It is the part I will never do again! Yes. The thrill has passed and it no longer holds it over my head, daring me to complete it. Le sigh. I guess I am truly an adult now. :)
Our color isn't much yet, but, the mountains have patches of being done. I look forward to the changes in the lake, but, slow down, you move too fast. I am not looking forward to Autumn passing into winter. It is a little early and the commuters here don't know how to drive in the ice and snow. We haven't had any for three or more years. Except for one inch last year where someone slid and cause a 20-hour pile-up with about a hundred cars.
They really can't drive!
Hellllo, Brad! I'm so lazy, I never get around much, I never have that kind of time, but, I do think of you and little Molly girl!❤️ Happy Sunday! @bdmillergallery
HELLOOOOOOOOOooooooo!!!! lol. No worries on not getting around. I would be a hypocrite if I said otherwise. So much going on in my life right now.. Molly is a mess (as always), we have a dear friend moving in with us that is in great need right now (we won't notice.. 4 bedrooms and 3 are not used.. lol), my company was sold a few weeks ago so now I have a new employer, life stuff! I'll slow it down a little and enjoy the change. Nine weekends left until Christmas!!! lol, I had to. 😁
Well.. hopefully you end up with zero snow this year.. after that pile up who needs it!
Life! @bdmillergallery The truth of the matter. Poor Molly girl! I hear you on the friend, glad they have you, and yes! I have an extra bedroom and guest room, usually filled with friends of my kids for a bit. It's okay, the more the merrier.
The new employer can be great, I know you will make it so.
I am determined to make life normal again. Booked a cruise and I am going on it next month. Done deal. No snow, that is the deal!
NINE WEEKENdS LEFT!!!!!! I have been counting! LOL