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RE: Orchid Update - and A Saturday Check In

in Silver Bloggers9 months ago

Moving around all that stuff was a pain in that you know what. But it's done and I told my wife last night I am glad that we won't have to do it again for another 20 years. We're not hard on our carpet, don't have kids, and we bought a really nice carpet. So we shouldn't have to worry too much in the coming years.

Yeah you may as well get out and enjoy the weather and family as much as you can before it gets cold again. I always read your post about camping and want to get my gear out, clean it up and go. Maybe this year at some point we'll do that.


I hope you are able to! We were just talking about the flooring again today in our house. We are supposed to be having some killer heat this week, so that might keep us indoors a bit.

Going to get hot here too! I decided several years ago not to irrigate any longer. We're hooked up to city water and it costs thousands per year to run our irrigation system. Brown Grass it is! I just don't see the sense in it for us having almost an acre of turf to irrigate.


We are going to see where we stand financially at the end of the summer, then maybe make a decision on the other rooms in the house that we didn't carpet. Still considering hardwood there.

We have two meters at our house because we have a sprinkler system. I have never used it since we moved in though. If my grass is greener it just means I need to mow more. We have actually done a lot of changes, so I have a feeling half my sprinkler heads are pointing in the wrong direction or wouldn't even work anymore.