Orchid Update: Winter Blooms on the Horizon

in Silver Bloggers3 months ago


This Orchid Update Is Long Overdue!


I’ve been dragging my feet for far too long, and it’s time to share what’s been happening with our orchids. Today, we’ll focus on the Vanda Orchids, Phalaenopsis Orchids, and briefly touch on the ever-impressive Cattleya Orchids. These three have shown the most exciting changes lately. Let’s dive in!

Cattleya Orchids: Prepping for a Late Winter Show


Let’s start with the Cattleyas .. As they are gearing up for their winter bloom cycle. Based on last year’s timeline, their flower buds began emerging from the sheaths in mid-January, with the first blossoms unfurling in early February. That’s just around the corner!


Both of our Cattleyas have developed a couple of flower sheaths each. If you’re new to orchids, these sheaths rest atop the pseudobulbs and protect the flower buds until they’re ready to emerge. Each pseudobulb blooms only once in its lifetime, meaning this year’s flowering cycle will mark the end of the current pseudobulbs’ journey. But fear not—new pseudobulbs will sprout and take their place, promising another round of blooms next year.

Phalaenopsis Orchids: A Trio of Bloom Stems


Next up are our Phalaenopsis Orchids. Out of the nine we care for, three are preparing to bloom. About a month ago, I noticed new bloom stems emerging between their glossy leaves. At this point, the stems are 2 to 4 inches long.



From past experience, it typically takes 30-45 days from when the bloom stems first appear to when the flowers fully open. If that timeline holds, we’ll have beautiful blooms to brighten the cold, dreary winter days ahead. I can’t recall the colors of these particular orchids, so their arrival will come with the added joy of surprise.

Vanda Orchids: A Tale of Two Beauties


Now for the Vanda Orchids—the showstoppers of this update. The Pachara Delight Vanda Orchid, with its rich purple-blue blooms, began flowering back in late November, just in time for Thanksgiving. While watering it recently, I noticed another bud forming between the leaves above the last bloom stem. It’s a mystery when this one will bloom, but it’s thrilling to watch its progress.



Meanwhile, our other Vanda Orchid, the Wilas x Dr. Anek, has been steadily growing its bloom stem. It’s now on the verge of opening, promising vibrant red flowers that will contrast beautifully with the Pachara Delight’s darker hues. I’ll be sure to share photos of the first blossom when it opens—stay tuned!





Other Orchids: Quietly Waiting


As for our other orchid varieties .. The Dendrobiums (Back two), the Beallara (Front Left) and the Coconut Orchid (Pictured Below); There hasn’t been much activity to report. While they’re not showing off with blooms just yet, their green pseudobulbs and delicate leaves add a touch of elegance and vitality to our space. Even without flowers, they deserve a bit of attention, don’t they?


Wrapping Up


As we inch closer to winter’s peak, it’s comforting to see our orchids preparing to bloom, offering a splash of color and life to brighten even the coldest days. I’ll keep an eye on their progress and share updates as the buds open and reveal their treasures.

Until Next Time,

May Our Plants Thrive and Our Spaces Stay Vibrant!

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I just love how you include Huxley in as many pics as possible. He always makes the photos just a little bit better

Thank you :) I learned from the best.. (wink wink)
Happy New Year! I wish you all the best .. good health and prosperity.
Give Nadi Hugs from Hux and I!

Always exciting when the blooms open, takes ones breath away, beauty in nature. Love the puppy going around the inspection tour a nodding head of approval.

Yes! hehe. Huxley is in approval. He likes the Orchids a little too much, so we had to buy a wooden gate barrier thing to keep him from removing all the bark from the pots. Silly boy.
I can't wait to see all of the blooms at once!

Huxley sure is cute, my dog goes 'weeding', appears they love to join in to help.

Patience, I waited 12 years and 13 years with orchids I inherited from a neighbour, one bloomed again last month. Stunning to see them thrive, showcase of extreme beauty.

That's awesome! That's a long wait.
I'll send Hux over to ya the next time you need a little weeding done and he can help your pup. lol

I simply plant into a tree, high humidity these plants never get watered, leaves fall in and become food. One corner of my garden I left to ferns and natural growth.

The best Woody does is some gardening, pulling at the ferns for some reason!

Hahaha.. Love the name too. Woody. That's a cool name.

 3 months ago (edited) 

Hunting for moles, Woody in action with 'wild garden' in background.


His happy place.....

Orchids are fabulous. I'm looking forward to when the house is finished and I can start collecting again. I love the purple, it's beautiful and will look stunning with the red.

I love Orchids. Sometimes they get a bad opinion from plant lovers, but in reality they are not super tough to take care of. At least most species are not. We have had decent luck with ours. Best wishes with getting your house finished up. I look forward to seeing your Orchid purchases when the time is right.

I was given one when I moved house: it was stunning. I planned to start collecting them, but you know, there's never been a dull moment since! I'll get there.

I know you will.
We all have those things we want to get to again sooner than later.
For me it's painting. Since we had new carpet installed, I stopped. I need to get a studio set up again so at least when inspiration hits I am ready.

I need to get a studio set up again so at least when inspiration hits I am ready.

Oh yes!

Very nice! They look beautiful. My wife and I got a small aloe plant for Christmas and I am just waiting to see how long it takes us to kill it. I had an aloe plant a long time ago and it ended up withering up and dying even though I was sure to water it regularly.

Aloe plants are pretty care free. they like bright sun but not direct light. once per week watering's and don't like to sit in the water. Other than that, you should be good I would think. We will see how you make out with it! lol. Best of luck!!!

Thanks, I appreciate it. I thought they were supposed to be pretty easy too, but then I went and killed mine!

I don't have one. I used to have one but mine died too. I put it out on a patio and it burned. Dead. lol.
As long as they are in a bright area and don't get over watered, all should be good. 😬

Okay, thanks for the tips. I think the over watering is what usually gets us.

My one and only Orchid has finally dropped it's last bloom so I will be ready to move her into a bigger pot soon. The blooms sure last a long time. Special potting soil is on hand and a brand new terracotta pot is ready.

Sweet! Last time I repotted a Phal Orchid from a terracotta pot, I had to use a sharp knife to gently slice the roots off the clay. Man did they attach themselves good. The blooms DO last a loooooong time. I always love that about them.

It's funny to see Huxley in the photos. Molly was not as cooperative. I'll be waiting with you to see the blooms to come. Looks like it will be quite a show!

They just started opening up this morning, so I will have to write another post very soon. Huxley is a much better poser than Molly was. He is more like Pepper. He'll sit there until I say "Okay".

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Awwww.. Thanks you @ewkaw for the support! 😊

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