Orchid Update! Something Good Is Happening

in Silver Bloggers10 months ago


It’s Happening ..

It's finally happening .. An orchid plant is finally going to bloom again! This is really exciting, because not long ago. I was sure most of our Phalaenopsis Orchids were going to die. Some of you may remember that I decided to switch media from bark to lava rock and also switch pots from various sorts of clay to glass. This was a huge mistake to say the least.


I am going to have to look back and see but it’s been well over a year since I switched back to bark as the primary media source. The plants have been doing well since then and I’ve lost three total. Little by little they have made a comeback by producing new roots and leaves slowly but surely.

It was recently that I was watering and I noticed a small bud stem starting to push out of the side of one of the orchids plants, just below the leaves. The plants often push out new route shoots, but they look different than the bloom stems. Bloom stems to me, appear like little mittens, rather than being completely rounded off on the tip.

Here’s a close-up, so you can see what I am talking about. Hopefully you can see what I am talking about, that the bloom stem like sort of looks like a little mitten.


This photograph below is a new root beginning to emerge. Comparing the two photos, you may be able to tell the difference between the root shoot and the flower stem.


Why Is This Extra EXTRA Special ??? ..

What makes this new bloom more exciting than originally anticipated .. Is the fact that it is blooming on what we refer to as Peppers Sympathy Orchid. This is a white blooming Phal orchid that was given to us when Pepper passed away three years ago. It’s hard to believe it’s been that long, but thankfully this orchid survived, and is doing well enough now .. happy enough that it feels to start blooming. We can’t wait till the first flowers open.


Now that Christmas is approaching fast, and our Thanksgiving cactus is starting to slow down and drop some of its fresh pink blooms, it will be nice to have something else on its way to Blooming. The blooming cactus can’t last forever and it’s nice having something to look forward to.


I’m keeping a close eye on our other orchids .. To see if there’s any new developments there. One of the Dendrobium Orchids we have is showing some promise but I don’t want to jump the gun and jinx myself. It’s possible that it may also be getting ready to bloom, I’ve been watching it for a while and it appears that one of the buds is beginning to swell. Like I said, I am not 100% sure but I will keep you posted.

OK .. okay. I will give you a sneak peek at that bud that looks like it’s starting to swell on the Dendrobium. If I jinxed myself by showing you this, then it’s my own fault. Lol.




Fingers Crossed!

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It's Roots Remain

A Poem By BDMiller

In the garden of our hearts, a memory blooms,
Of Pepper, our fur-baby, gone too soon.
Three years have whispered sorrow's tale,
Yet in the quiet, a white orchid sets sail.

Gifted by friends, its petals hold grace,
A symbol of love in a delicate embrace.
Through tears and time, its roots remain,
In the soil of our souls, healing and pain.

As seasons turn, the orchid stands tall,
A tribute to Pepper, who left pawprints on all.
In the bloom's quiet whispers, we find solace,
A gentle reminder of love's enduring promise.

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Thank you for swinging by my blog and checking out the post. Have a great day!

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All words, pictures and art pieces are the sole property of B D Miller Gallery, unless otherwise noted and credited, and are not to be reproduced or copied without the prior written consent of B D Miller Gallery.

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I do remember your mistake! I'm glad your plants babies are coming along so nicely.

Great poem! You sure can write a ballad with panache. that's a ballad, right?

Thank you. I am glad most of them bounced back.
I am no poet, so your guess is as good as mine. I like poetry enough and do write what I think sounds good, so maybe it's time to learn a little about poetry.

Very cool! And hopefully no jinx…

Yeah hopefully no jinx! 😁

Of course, such plants take a lot of work and are a joy to watch when they are growing well.

Lots of care, but once you get used to it, it is not too bad.

 10 months ago  

Orchids are one plant that I have yet to be able to get to survive for a second bloom.

They can be a little bit finicky but once you find the perfect spot, then your set. These Phalaenopsis Orchids like indirect bright light and to be kept damp but no standing water.

 10 months ago  

I really must give the orchids another try, they are just so beautiful and the blossoms stay for such a long time.

Yeah.. Give it a try. You may surprise yourself 😊

Looking good! It's a good thing you caught it before the lava rocks did too much damage.

Amen to that. Learned my lesson. I promise. 😆😁

That’s awesome. Keep us updated.

Yeah it is and sure will! lol. I like trying to keep them alive and happy. But if not, the store is right around the corner. 😆

Pretty photos 🥰 I love the plants

Thank you!

Yes, let's cross our fingers!
I miss Molly. When you're ready...
Perhaps... another molly.

Yeah me too. We have some plans to travel over the next year or so. We haven't in a long while since she was so medically fragile. After that, we probably will.

your plants look really good

It great to see that you are doing things to actually maintain it

Yes it is. I'm very happy that it is doing well enough to bloom again.

Really beautiful plants.

Thank you!