How A Simple Moment Can Remind Me That I Love Photography

in Silver Bloggers11 months ago


As I Sit At The Bar ..

Gazing at the perfectly crafted martini in front of me .. I'm reminded of why I fell in love with photography in the first place. It's the ability to capture the essence of a moment, to freeze time and preserve it for eternity. The martini, with its crystal-clear glass and the meticulously placed coaster, seems to hold a world of details within its confines. The way the light dances on the surface, creating a play of shadows and highlights, is a visual symphony that beckons to be captured.

The colorful reflections .. A kaleidoscope of hues that dance and shift with each slight movement, become a canvas waiting to be painted with the click of a shutter. And then there's the condensation, a delicate veil that clings to the glass, revealing the coldness within, like a whisper of anticipation.

It's in these simple, everyday moments .. That the magic of photography truly comes alive for me. The camera becomes an extension of my senses, allowing me to notice and appreciate the beauty in the seemingly mundane. Each click is a declaration of my affection for the world, a testament to the power of observation and the art of storytelling through imagery.

The martini on the bar is not just a drink; it's a muse, a source of inspiration that fuels my passion for capturing the extraordinary in the ordinary.

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Thank you for swinging by my blog and checking out the post. Have a great day!

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All words, pictures and art pieces are the sole property of B D Miller Gallery, unless otherwise noted and credited, and are not to be reproduced or copied without the prior written consent of B D Miller Gallery.

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It is a muse and your right, photography just rocks, the ability to capture time is really wonderful!

Amen to that.. it's best to live in the moment, but capturing a few isn't all that bad either.

The martini on the bar is not just a drink; it's a muse, a source of inspiration that fuels my passion for capturing the extraordinary in the ordinary.

Yes, you are right! The first cocktail that I really love... the perfect drink (2 ounces gin, 1/2 ounce dry vermouth, 1/2 ounce sweet vermouth, and lemon twist, or olives).

It sucks but I do not like olives. Wish I did, but sadly I do not. I drink mine a few different ways but straight up is my favorite. 😋

That is really a cool photography view of drink

Thank you! The lighting in the bar helped make it better than it would have been otherwise. 😁

Wow what a cool looking drink. Enjoy

I needed it after that week of torture. hehe. 😆

That does look like a really interesting drink. I have never had a martini before. Not even one of the fruity ones. I grew up with photography, so it has always been a big part of my life. I'm looking forward to seeing what my new phone can do.

Oh yeah... Best of luck with the new phone. They keep getting better and better when it comes to video and photo capabilities. Enjoy!

I have started to see that. I took some photos this weekend and I am quite impressed with them!

Strong!!! lol. I tell my wife all the time that they are the best bang for your buck. hehe. Since covid and my aversion to whiskey and beer, I had to try the clear stuff and now really enjoy it. Hopefully my taste for the darker drinks comes back.

I hope so too! There is some really good stuff out there! I bought a bottle in Vermont and it has been a joy to drink. My wife likes her vodka. I just haven't found anything I really enjoy mixing with it.

If I mix it with anything, I usually do club soda and then add a lime or orange. Those flavored seltzers aren't a bad choice either, but sometimes the carbonation can be a bit too much after one or two.

I hear ya!

I can so relate to that passion and the tingling of the senses that make you want to freeze that moment in time.

the condensation, a delicate veil that clings to the glass, revealing the coldness within, like a whisper of anticipation

I really enjoyed the way you use your words here. The poet in you comes alive.
Amazing shot!
I can enjoy the visuals even though I may not enjoy the contents of the glass. Hehe

It take so much time to write poetically, but more times than not it makes me feel better about myself .. for trying at least. All posts don't need to be so dramatic, but every now in then it's nice to go crazy with words. hehe.