Exciting Discoveries in Our Little World

in Silver Bloggers4 months ago


A New Discovery Is Always Cool ..

Unless that discovery is.. Termites feasting on your house, coming down with the flu, poop on the bottom of your shoe, or the car won't start and your late for work.. Hmmmm.. I suppose not ALL new discoveries are cool, so let's start again.

A Pleasant New Discovery Is Always Cool..

There we go.


Our Vanda Orchids Are Going To Dazzle Us Soon .. There’s something special about the quiet thrill of noticing fresh growth on familiar plants. A few weeks back, I had one of those moments as I checked on our Vanda orchids. Both of them, resilient and vibrant as ever, are beginning to push out new flower shoots! In a matter of weeks, we’ll have the pleasure of seeing those rich purple and pink blooms burst into color, adding a bit of paradise to our home. We Can't wait!!! It has been a while since they last bloomed, so we are more than ready. It was a cool discovery seeing those new buds.




I tried to get them out doors this summer, but that lasted only a week before I took them back inside. There just isn't enough filtered light. I have to build an Orchid house, or rather a shade house for them next year. I have some time to think about it, but it would help to get all my orchids outdoors during the summer heat. It would help promote blooming as well as overall growth.


It’s been a season of firsts for Mr. Huxley, too.. With his boundless curiosity, we decided it was time to introduce him to the lake in our backyard. As much as I hoped he’d be intrigued by the shimmering water, he was, shall we say, unconvinced. The splashing sounds, the water’s gentle push against the shore .. None of it was met with the enthusiasm as I should have imagined. And the dock? The way it shifted beneath him didn’t sit well with our little guy.



But Huxley did find joy in a simpler pleasure: the shoreline pebbles. He spent a good while investigating every tiny stone, sniffing around and letting the earthy textures keep his nose busy. There’s a lot to see in that pebble world, and for a young pup, that’s the adventure. Just have to watch out he doesn't eat them. It's been slowing down, but he is still very interested in eating everything he sees.



Next summer, we’ll see if he’s more receptive to the water. Perhaps by then, with a little swimming under his belt, we might even try a kayak ride together. For now, though, we’ll enjoy the quiet unfolding of each day ..


The Vanda’s blooms on their way and the little discoveries Huxley finds right along the shore.

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Very cute! I hope all that stuff didn't happen to you recently! One of my biggest regrets with Jovi is that we were never able to get her properly trained. We always had to have her on a lead because she would take off and not come back when you called her. I always figured she would come back eventually, but you never knew what might happen in between with busy roads and stuff. I think she would have loved to go splashing in the water once or twice. I like that you are able to get excited about new growth in your flowers. I usually am looking for new death when it comes to our plants!

Just examples.. I didn't step in poop. lol. Love the last thing you said.. Your comments always crack me up when it comes to plants.

We are trying our best to train him ourselves, but he is a real pistol. Once he calms down a bit more it will be easier. He's come a long way though. I always worry about the dogs running off, but we don't let them out of our sight. He is learning the boundaries too.. slowly.

I think it helps that his legs are so small! You can probably outrun him. Jovi was lean and fast. I never stood a chance! It's actually crazy how easy it is to mow our back yard now that I don't have to avoid all the "landmines". Definitely bittersweet! I hope the training goes well. We actually have some mums out on our deck right now that are holding up quite well believe it or not. I'm shocked!

Our mums are both fading fast.. guess we got them too early in the season. That's fine, Christmas stuff will be going out soon. So many bitter sweet things come up once the house is empty. His poop's are the size of your pinky finger, so no need to avoid them mowing. They dry up rather quickly. Your right.. For now he is slow due to short legs and fear of the unknown. lol

We still have a basket of toys sitting next to the TV. I think that's about the last thing, but I think it will sit there for quite some time still.

We did too. It's actually a comforting reminder to have them there. With Pepper, since Molly wasn't really into toys, we eventually picked a few of his favorites out and put them up in our bedroom on a chair.

I think eventually we have a couple that we will keep forever. The rest we will likely donate like everything else we had. It will just take some time.

Is the lake always that rough? Maybe try again on a calmer day? My dog, much larger than Huxley, won't get in any water unless the waves are nearly nonexistent.

I'm so happy to see you posting about your little pup! While Pepper and Molly will forever be missed, I'm loving Huxley already.

You might remember my supermarket orchid. It bloomed for 8 months straight, took some time off, and is now sending up three separate flower shoots! It hasn't even been a month since the last blossom fell off. All I do is leave it right where it has always been, on my kitchen window sill, and give it three ice cubes a week. The color is only white, there is no fragrance, so I'm sure your Vanda would beat mine in pleasantness, but I love the darn thing anyway.

A calmer day would be better.. we have time. 3 Shoots???! Wow! That's amazing. Good luck with it. That will be beautiful. Yeah the phal orchids rarely have any fragrance to them.. but they are nice to look at and easy to care for.

Molly and Pepper are dearly missed. This guy has his own personality but has some similar traits. He compliments us well.

Oh, boy! You are going to have lots of flowers! I can't wait to see them. Huxley sure does look tiny by your feet.

He just went to the vet and weighed in at 3.7 lbs.. so he is a tiny guy. He'll grow to about 8 lbs max. I can't wait for the flowers either. Growing fast so maybe another week or two before they arrive.

3.7 lbs. awwww. so tiny!

Yeah he's a small guy. I'm constantly looking for him so I don't step on the little guy.

Oh? So Soon? I can't wait now either!

Yes it shouldn't be too much longer. The bloom shoot grew about 3 inches in last few days.

Awwwnn, Huxley is so cute!🤗

Thank you 😊

I learned about orchids the hard way, since I put them in direct sunlight, although for a short period but it is enough to damage the leaves and then eventually kill the plant. Hope that you will be able to get a lovely bloom from the orchid.

Yeah.. I have learned the hard way a few times. It sucks but I did learn something from those mistakes in the end. We are looking forward to the blooms. Maybe in another week or two.

Huxley looks very cute. I love that view and I must say this is a fantastic discovery
I love the atmosphere

Thank you! We love the view as well.. if not for it, we may have moved out of NJ by now. lol.

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