This year seemed just a Blur / Stop! life is going to fast.

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago (edited)

This year went so fast, it feels like a bit of a blur to me.

You know... like you're on a roller coaster at the amusement park and you want it to stop, but it can't because it's set to run a certain time.

So much to do, places to go and money to be made.

Omg!...and I feel like I've been left far behind with my "well intended goals" for 2022 Lol!

Reflecting back on this year and what I've been up too, frightens me slightly, because I haven't done much I must be honest.
As the saying goes,

Time and Tide
Wait for no Man
Geoffrey Chaucer

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A Blurry 2022
Image Source: My own creation created during load shedding.

Looking through old photos of my family over the past few decades, I pondered over those busy days, when the house was turned upside down with toys and prams and smelt of baby shampoo and baby powder, the chitter chatter of children playing in the garden, then....suddenly they grew up and left home to start their own lives, bringing their off spring to Gran and Paps to babysit, who, of course, were only delighted to do so.
Now the grandchildren also left to start their careers, some living in Australia, others in Cape Town.
Where did all that time go?...I mean, I don't feel old at all.
Life has surely gone by in a flash, it doesn't seem fair.

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Well!...looking back I can truthfully say, I think Paps and I did a Stirling job in bringing our girls up, they're all turned out to be awesome successful people, loving and kind, always ready to give a helping hand to whoever needs it, whether materially or just a warm hug.
That's what this time of the year is all about...not so?

I visited "Silver Mamma Chef's Kitchen", she was very busy making bottles of pickled beetroot and jams and I don't know what all...she was very industrious seeing the state of the kitchen.
Beetroot splashed on the walls and stove...I mean, it looked like a massacre took place there with all the redness sprayed everywhere.


Papa Chef, was no where to be found...I think he got scared if you ask me. I mean...after all, he was the one who brought the bag of "Beetroot" home.

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She made, I don't know how many bottles of pickled onions.

"Silver Mamma Chef" told Papa Chef to give some bottles of her pickles to the neighbors down the road, this time of the year is all about giving, don't you think?

She was really going to town, beetroot chutney and pickled onions...she even got to bake bread.
The past week, "Silver Mamma Chef's Kitchen" has been buzzing.

I tell you...I haven't seen her so busy for a long time; cutting and slicing, onion and beetroot peels piled up on the counter.
Man! oh man!...she was on a mission alright.

Well!...that's not all...I watched as "Silver Mamma Chef" stood eyeing the cabbage Papa Chef brought home today, I heard her say something about making Sauerkraut.

Papa Chef just shook his head at this lot, then escaped to the garage.

Oh my word...she's making all these things and giving them all away.

[Image source: Brooke-Lark]: Unsplash

Isn't that what this time of the year is all about, giving, forgiving and reconciliation, peace joy and re-dedication.

To all who celebrate Christmas, have a joyous and blessed time.
Shine your light in the darkness, the world needs it.

Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year.

[Image Source: Katie Rainbow]: Unsplash

Happy Hanukkah

To all my friends who are celebrating Hanukkah keep your light shining and have a blessed time.
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After all the cooking, baking and pickling,Silver Mamma Chef was feeling a little down after all the reminiscing about the past year and decades gone by; shedding a few tears here and there, she thought she'd give herself a DIY make over.

"Silvery grey" wasn't working for her state of mind at the moment.

She found herself in "Clicks Store" at the local Mall, buying a color for her hair, Papa Chef wasn't saying a word...he knew better than that, he could be seen walking around at the far end of the store, far away from Silver Mamma Chef who seemed very undecided on the color, eventually deciding on Medium Blonde which turned out a little darker than she had anticipated; but none the less, she was happy.

Well..."Silver Mamma Chef" is now a "Medium Blonde", and is looking forward to 2023.

She has many plans, and aims to pursue them with a vengeance.

So to all my friends here on Hive, I wish you allPeace, Hope, Love and prosperity in 2023.

Keep your light shinning in the darkness, this crazy world needs it.

I love you all.

Straight from Silver Mamma Chef's Kitchen.
Have a great 2023.




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All photos property of @artywink Original content by @artywink

 2 years ago  

Hello @artywink,

I'm part of the Silver Bloggers’ Community Team.

Thank you for sharing your excellent post in the Silver Bloggers community! As a special "token" of appreciation for this contribution to our community, it has been upvoted, reblogged and curated.


 2 years ago  

Have a great week.Thank you so much @lizelle, it's such a pleasure to be part of Silver Bloggers, your team is awesome.

 2 years ago  

What a bizzy bee you've been Silver Mamma Chef, is your name also getting a revamp?😅
Lovely post on the year gone by, you are so right, this crazy world indeed needs some light💖

 2 years ago  
