Silver Mamma Chef's Kitchen is in Darkness

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago

I popped into Silver Mamma Chef's Kitchen, everything was in darkness...a candle on the stove flickered and danced to the spicy aroma which filled the room from her cooking.

Oh yes... they were having load shedding (power outages), something which happens quite often throughout the day.

Eskom, the Government Electricity Suppliers are at it again, due to corruption and sabotage, South Africa is left in darkness.

But!...that didn't stop Silver Mamma Chef from cooking, as she has a gas stove.

Oh boy!...she was going for her badge there...making pan-cakes and cooking mutton curry and rice.

I don't know if she thought no-one was watching making pan-cakes, she knows she isn't suppose to eat them, and as for the white rice and potatoes in the curry....Omg, Silver Mamma Chef is up to no good in the dark.

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She told me that the pan-cakes were for Papa Chef, but, I could see someone had already taken a bite of one of them and it wasn't Papa Chef, he was faraway from the kitchen.

Then she told me she wasn't going to eat the curry and rice, and that too was for Papa Chef.

Oh my goodness...I think poor old Silver Mamma Chef is having a hard time sticking to her diet...or shall I say, her new way of eating.

It's only for her own good you Doctors orders.

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I had a peep outside, the whole neighbourhood was in darkness, everything was quiet except the drone of the neighbours generator that could be heard in the distance.

Oh my word!....did Silver Mamma Chef take off about that bloody noisy apparatus, that's been driving her insane the last few months.

She ranted on about the irritating sound that kept her awake at night...dramatically demonstrating the revving sounds of the engine with her voice and hands, explaining how it revs it's nuts off.

I really thought Silver Mamma Chef was going to blow a gasket, never mind rev her nuts off.

Omg!...the noise is really annoying her to a point were I'm afraid she might do something know, something she might just regret.

She told me she would like to take a pot shot at it and blow the bloody apparatus up.

I won't elaborate on what creative language she used describing this lot.
I never knew she could get so "verbally creative".

Naaah!....I don't think she'd do something like that....or would she?, I mean...blow someone's generator up?.

She told me they leave the thing running an hour after the lights have come back on...I mean really now...that's insane man...I don't blame her at all for getting all revved up.

Silver Mamma Chef "put your gun away sister, it'll get you in trouble", I told her politely.

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Silver Mamma Chef went off in a bit of a "huff", closing doors and windows to shut the annoying noise out, mumbling under her breath, yes and using her creative language again.

Poor Papa Chef just shook his head at this lot, he's a little deaf so the noise doesn't really bother he says.

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Silver Mamma Chef continued with the making of pan-cakes and coffee...for Papa Chef...Mmmm! she said.

The mutton curry and rice was still on the brew, so the pan-cakes (meant for Papa Chef) was just a snack...or shall I say...the starter Lol!.

I don't know what to do with Silver Mamma Chef and her eating's just not good for her.

She was so good for a whole week, eating salads with chicken or fish.

Sigh!...she keeps telling me that she's craving for pastry and pasta...what do I tell her?...I mean... I love those foods too.

I think the noise from the neighbours generator, is making Silver Mamma Chef loose some marbles, she's become so anxious...I don't know what to do with her.

Maybe she should visit her daughter in Australia, she's been missing them a lot lately, even Ange and the boys in Cape Town.

Her daughter Celeste wants her and Papa Chef to move into her cottage in Umhlanga Rocks....I must say, Silver Mamma Chef has a lot on her mind at the many decisions to make.

On top of it all, her two fur children aren't well at all, they're getting old.

The one has hip problems and the other has a lump on the's been making Silver Mamma Chef's heart very sore in making the right choice for know what I mean.

Well!...that's another story to be told.

OK...the lights came back on and dinner is served.

And that annoying generator is still running....what is it with those crazy neighbours?.

It's bloody Eskom's fault.


Well...that's another day in the life of Silver Mamma Chef's Kitchen.

Until next time, have fun and stay safe.

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Greetings from Silver Mamma Chef's Kitchen




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All photos property of @artywink Original content by @artywink


It's amazing what miracles we concut thanks to loadshedding! Always on our toes!

 2 years ago  

Very funny Silver Mama Chef! Or should I say Silver Mama Chef's avatar?

That mutton looks FANTASTIC. Is Silver Mama Chef not allowed a dish of mutton and rice once in a while?

 2 years ago  

Sometimes it just gets a little boring.
Thanks for stopping by, have a fantastic week.Haha! @owasco Silver Mamma Chef does eat mutton curry once in awhile, she's trying very hard to stick to plant based and chicken or fish and whole grain.

Hi @artywink

The load shedding sucks and I understand about that generator noise. We have one nearby that comes on even when there are voltage changes and they take a long time to turn it off. It is really annoying.

Hehe, and as for the food, what can I say, it's so tempting to eat pastries and delicious food. I don't know why so much of the food we are prescribed when we are on a diet is so bland. I try to compensate by eating lots of fruits that I love. But be strong ;)

I'm sorry your furry ones are not doing so well.

 2 years ago  

Thank you very much for all your hard work and the kind words, it's much appreciated.
Have a great week.Thank you so much @coquicoin, I also try to eat a lot of fruit and veggies, but now and again I do cheat a little Hehe. Yes, my heart is very sore, I know I have to do the right humane thing one of these days and send them to doggie heaven.


Hello @artywink

Silver Bloggers’ Community Team.This is @coquicoin and I'm part of the

Thank you for sharing your excellent post in the Silver Bloggers community! As a special "token" of appreciation for this contribution to our community, it has been upvoted, and curated.


 2 years ago  

Thank you so much @hive-106316 much appreciated.

 2 years ago  

Haha, I can just see Silver Mama Chef stomping over to attack that generator, I know it would irritate me as well, but I'm also a little deaf, whereas my hubs is not and he's a bit of a hot head...just like someone else I know😅 World War 3 would break out here in our tranquil little world 🙈
Who can resist a pancake?
Did I tell you that we had a special delivery of Silver Mama Chef's pancakes? It was yummy and even enough for breakfast the next day💖

 2 years ago (edited) 

Lol! It's amazing how such a stupid thing like a generator can cause havoc between new neighbours. I don't dislike them, it's that bloody apparatus.
Thanks for stopping by my friend.

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Creative Cuisine projectYou have been curated by @edwing357 and the .

We invite you to join the flavor community.

All delegations are welcome, join our curation train and be part of the flavor. . @creativecuisine

 2 years ago  

Thank you so much @creativecuisine and @edwing357 for the encouragement, it's greatly appreciated.


Happy day 😊

Pancakes AND mutton curry? You've got my mouth watering!

 2 years ago  

Thank you so much for the encouragement.
Have a great day.Thank you @clairemobey, I need to get back to posting again soon.

Time slips by so easily. Sometimes I don't even realize it and a whole week goes by without posting. I'm trying to be a very good, productive girl here on the block chain while I actively seek new opportunities and try to figure out what to do with my life now.

 2 years ago  

So much has been happening in my life lately, beautiful close friends suddenly passing on into the next life. It just doesn't seem fair.
Thank you for prompting me into reality, you are doing a great job in being a productive girl on Hive. You are a encouragement to me.

Have a great day my friend, wish you all the best. Thank you @clairemobey, we need a lot more people like you We lost our dearest friend Arthur Bright @lizelle husband, this past week which has been devastating, he was such an awesome person, it just seems so unfair.

Gosh, @artywink I don't know what it is, but this last quarter of the year has been heavy with loss for so many of us. @lizelle I am deeply sorry for your loss. Sending so much love to you and your family.

 2 years ago  

💕💕thank you.