Silver Mamma Chef explores the Crypto Digital World.

in Silver Bloggerslast year (edited)

If you're wondering where Silver Mamma Chef's been?

Well!... she has been on a bit of an adventure into the "Crypto World" .

It all started with someone wanting to buy Silver Papa's" Art work on the internet.
The buyer mentioned if he could do it through "N.F.T".

"What on earth is " N.F.T?", Mamma Chef asked confused.

I could see her mind working over-time...grabbing her phone, she began googling N.F.T's.

Oh my word!...a whole new world cracked open for Silver Mamma Chef , all she talks about is N.F.T this and crypto that and blockchain, one would really think she is an expert on the subject...Oh my goodness...***Silver Mamma Chef is behaving like "Alice in Wonderland"...while *Silver Papa Chef's stomach is rumbling from hunger.

She just vanished from her kitchen, just like that!.

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Photo by Pascal Bernardon on Unsplash

She's been on the internet researching all she can about this "new amazing way" of selling one's artworks.
Mmmm!... I think, she's seeing dollar signs if you ask me.

We won't speak of all the You Tube N.F.T. video's she's downloaded on her phone and lap top.
She sits at her desk and listens to "How to sell your first N.F.T" all day long.
Oh man...she's driving everyone bonkers.

I saw the look on Silver Papa Chef's face when he saw her coming, he tried to escape to his art studio, but Silver Mamma Chef followed him, explaining the subject at hand like an expert.
"This is what it is", she explained to him a N.F.T. (Non-fungible Tokens) is a kind of Crypto currency which represents a one of a kind digital asset, eg. a piece of Art work, music, or digital creation. The poor man had no option but to listen intently as she rambled on about how wonderful it could be for Artists.

"What are we having for lunch dear", he asked politely.

Silver Mamma Chef turned and walked off in a huff...she had no option but to make Silver Papa Chef a quick bite to eat.

A Boerewors Roll, there was some boerewors left over from the night before...I mean...she had to get back to her research you know.


I must say!...Silver Mamma Chef is very grateful to Hive for giving her the grounding of how Crypto and the Blockchain works, giving her a basic idea.

The more she learns the more interested and excited she gets.

Poor old Silver Papa Chef has been eating scraps for the past week while Silver Mamma Chef has been touring around the Crypto World on her computer.

She even got into the shower the other morning with her glasses on...can you believe it...the old bat thought she was going blind when her glasses misted up.

Photo by Shubham Dhage on Unsplash

She's learned quite a bit about the different platforms, like Ocean View and MetaMask, she already has a Blocktrades and Luno accounts which she opened when she joined Hive, they don't seem to have much to do with N.F.T's, unless she's missing something.
Silver Mamma Chef would like some input from the Blocktrades and crypto expert on Hive, it would be much appreciated.

Silver mamma Chef, also deals in Bitcoin, but Ethereum seems to be the digital currency on MetaMask.

I don't think Silver Mamma Chef fully understands it all yet.

I'm a bit worried that she'll get her nickers in a knot and disappear into oblivion on this journey of hers through the digital crypto world.

Although....she has had some good advise from @Lizelle 's son Dean in the Netherlands.

So!...Silver Mamma Chef is gathering all her research together to make her final decision, to open her digital accounts to sell her art through N.F.T.

What do you think? she on the right track? or is she wasting her time.

I will report to you all on Silver Mamma Chef's next move through the "Crypto World".

I hope she doesn't get lost some where out there.

Thank you for allowing me to share this with you.

Until next time....stay safe, healthy and wealthy.

Directly from Silver Mamma Chef's Kitchen...although the old bat has disappeared for awhile.




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All photos property of @artywink
Original content by @artywink

 last year  

Oh my word Silver Mama Chef, you are brave venturing into the world of NFT's, but it seems to be the way to go with digital artwork. Good luck my friend, hope you get to your end goal without glitches xxx

 last year  

Thanks @lizelle , sick in bed now with flu.💕