Carrot Cup Cake Recipe from Silver Mamma Chef's Kitchen

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago (edited)

Hello my wonderful Hivian friends, hope you are all well.
Mamma Chef's been out of sorts for a week or so with health issues. Nothing serious though, just a few niggles here and there, wrong medication to start off with because her usual Blood pressure meds were out of stock, the Doctor prescribed another pill, (No! my dears, not birth control) she has been a sports model for quite a few years now Lol!!
When Silver Mamma Chef went to collect her meds at the Pharmacy, she was told they were out of stock on her usual meds, the lady at the pharmacy phoned the Doctor to tell her they were out of stock and couldn't prescribe the prescription medication and asked what alternative would the Doctor prescribe.
Well!!... I think there was a miscommunication and a bad connection telephonically when the assistant at the Pharmacy took down the wrong information, I don't blame her, we all have been under a lot of pressure with Covid, Omicron and all it's rules and regulations, I'm not surprised one misses a link or two. I mean!...we all make mistakes, after all we're only human and not perfect.
Unfortunately that's how Silver Mamma Chef came to have the wrong meds which kicked her for a loop until Papa Chef stepped in.
Silver Mamma Chef doesn't like taking medication in the first place, she was very upset with the Pharmaceutical company.... after all.... she has been taking the same meds for decades, how dare they take it off the market.
Thanks to Papa Chef, he found a Pharmacy a few miles from home who had plenty of stock at hand and was able to supply us with her original meds, so!!...after a few tantrums and excitement over the wrong meds and finding the original ones, everything calmed down to a chill, also finding out the results from her blood test that she had high cholesterol and has to change her diet; Silver Mamma Chef thought she would share her Carrot Cup Cake Recipe before she started her special diet.
Omg!!....I'm going to need some help from my Hivian friends.

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Delicious Carrot Cup Cakes


  • 2 Cups Flour
  • 2 Teaspoon Baking powder
  • 1 1/2 Teaspoon Cinnamon
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Salt
  • 1 1/4 Cups Canola Oil
  • 1 Cup Brown Sugar
  • 1 Cup of White sugar
  • 1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
  • 4 Large eggs
  • 3 Cups grated Carrots
  • 1 Cup Pecan nuts
  • 1/2 Cup Raisons

Frosty Icing

  • 225 grams Cream Cheese or instead fresh cream, lemon juice, lemon rind (Silver Mamma Chef's version)😘
  • 1 1/4 Cups Icing Sugar
  • Nuts for decoration

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Mix sugar, eggs, oil and vanilla extract together.

Add the flour, a little at a time and grated carrots to mixture and mix well.

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Line a muffin pan with paper cups.

Pour Carrot Cake mixture into pan and bake at 180 c for 20 minutes or until golden brown.

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When cooled, ice with icing sugar frost.
To make the frosty Icing, use 1 1/2 Cup Icing Sugar, Silver Mamma Chef didn't have Cream Cheese so she made up her own frosty recipe, by using 125ml fresh cream, juice from 1/2 a lemon and 1 1/2 Teaspoon lemon rind, add the icing sugar until a stiff consistency is accomplished. (It's not to bad at all; Silver Mamma Chef never complies to a recipe he! he!) of cause cream cheese would be better)😘

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Icing Sugar Mix

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I hope you enjoyed my recipe as much as I enjoyed making it.

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From Silver Mamma Chef's Kitchen to Yours.


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All photos property of @artywink Original content by @artywink


Hi, I'm new in the Silver Bloggers community. I enjoy how you write about yourself from the third-person perspective. I don't see that often in blog posts, so it is nice and quirky. Your carrot cup cakes look delicious! As an option, maybe try adding some currants or raisins in there, too. Carrot cake was always one of my favourite tastes, when I was younger.

 3 years ago  

Thank you @frittro for your kind words, welcome to Silverbloggers community, Silver Mamma Chef will take your advice on the raisons or currants. Thank you so much for passing by.

I hope all is well with your blood pressure, but it is reckless that they can give you the wrong medication because of confusion, thank goodness you got your regular medicines in another pharmacy.

And I love carrot cake, so I'm writing down this carrot cupcake recipe to try.

 3 years ago  

Thank you @coquicoin carrot cake is my best too. Yes I'm much better thanks, I try not to take meds, I prefer natural, but some times one has no option. Thanks for passing by much appreciated.

It's good that your medications were resolved well, they are things that happen unintentionally but seriously affect the person who needs them. Thanks for sharing your carrot cupcakes, they look delicious. The time you will be eating healthy is only while lowering your cholesterol, but we should consider eating less sweets and control ourselves in meals since we are not teenagers. I also have to enter an eating program that improves my sugar, cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Greetings @artywink

 3 years ago  

Thank you @isabelpena for your kind words, and the good advise, much appreciated.

Oh they look so tasty.
I love carrot cake and I am tempted to try this soon.
thanks for sharing😁

 3 years ago  

Thanks for the kind words @tengolotodo and for stopping by.

My pleasure