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RE: Idiocracy... or Just Out of Touch?

in Silver Bloggers2 months ago

People seem remarkably more distracted now. Between life, devices, and never ending distractions it's not hard to imagine that people aren't planning their choices well.

I retired last year and am glad to be out of that grind - my Mrs. works from home so we are able to spend a lot of time together, or at least near each other. A bonus if you enjoy your spouse :)

Have you though what if any projects you might tackle in the coming year to generate more revenue?


People are very distracted. And the distractions are time consuming.

The Mrs. and I were talking about the time all the distractions take up in our lives... and she joked that there's probably an app out there to manage all the distractions, which is a distraction in and of itself that takes even more time out of our schedule.

We both work from home... and have for... well, since she was pushed out of Bank of America Corporate in 2008 for earning bonuses that were bigger than her salary. Idiocracy rules...

But we do really enjoy each other's company. And yes, that's definitely a bonus.

Not sure what direction I will strike out in... I may just use available hours to eBay the heck out of all the stuff we won't need when we move to a much smaller place in a couple of years.