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RE: Does Anyone Actually READ My (Your) Stuff?

in Silver Bloggers3 months ago

I posted your comment over on Twitter along with this the quoted response, you can see it at -

One of my hobbies this winter has to been to sift through the blogs and postings on #HIVE to find interesting voices. I found this particular post this morning.

Longform writing is more respect there, and even a comment there would appear as a TLDR massive essay here.

Social media are entertainment platforms, informational platforms, and expressive platforms - we shape each others opinions with these tools, but we also shape ourselves. It may not be entirely helpful to our cognition or to our spirits to exclusively use one mode or tool. A sharp quip or meme can certainly gain us the validation of a laugh, but I'm cautious about conditioning myself to hop and jump from passing topic to topic.

Perhaps in another year or so well have AI meme agents to post and respond on our behalf so we can pursue out other hobbies. That's a bit of silliness, but we do run the risk of becoming a form of synthetic man.


Thank you, I appreciate it.

At some point it will all start to look absurd. Where an AI entity clones a homo-sapiens and becomes a substantive computer intelligence agent. Behaving as the digitally cloned homo-sapien being, highly probable, would do.

It would really worry me if such an entity could enter our analogue reality, using a robotic vesle. A point where digital synth copies of us enter our own realm does seem a possibility.

Somehow it still seems like a kind of Science Fiction. But I cannot state it as being highly unlikely to become real within a few years already.