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RE: One Summer, Remembered

in Silver Bloggers6 months ago

You always have such interesting comments.Hi @mobbs

What my age I look back and am actually grateful that it all worked out OK, at least so far. There were forks in the road. One of the most significant was my choice to marry. I had applied to grad school that year, and then I met my husband. What to do?? I saw it as a choice between retreat (grad school..a life in academia, quiet, sheltered) or jumping in an grabbing the rough and tumble of real life, of conflict and engagement. I was brave. I chose the marriage. Bumpy ride but a safe landing :)

As for staying in Spain. It wasn't really a choice. My family had invested in me. I wasn't an isolate. When NYU offered the chance to go to college full time, I had to consult with my mother and sister. My sister was carrying household expenses. My mother hadn't been well for a while, so when I chose to go to college, that meant my sister would continue in the supporter role. We made a bargain. When I graduated, I would take over. That's what happened. I told her not only to go to school, but to put a thousand miles between us and her. She did that, and started her own journey. Not everything worked out exactly according to plan, but you see, I couldn't stay in Spain. I had responsibilities.

I think I just started another blog :))

When I read your blogs, I relate to them, because you haven't had a smooth ride. You made choices and it really gladdens my heart that these have worked out for you.


You always have such interesting comments.

Haha I dunno about that...

I was brave. I chose the marriage.

That paints such a cool picture of romance, still so alive! You clearly made the right choice =D

I relate to them, because you haven't had a smooth ride

A lot less smooth than I'd like to admit, too... but as you say, it's working out. I'll have to live with an innumerable number of regrets, but I suppose that's all part of the journey to reminisce about in a couple of decades ^__^