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RE: Hive Fest Opening Drinks

in HiveFest6 months ago

memories are weird, and it already been 7 years of the chain. sometimes it feels like i was here from the start of internet and sometimes it feels like it was just now :)

driving in Europe can be fun, but it does need a bit of a planning and good planned stops. especially if you don't drive a lot of km regularly. Yesterday driving home i was like these km on my map are not moving down "drive 20 km than turn right" next look at the map that felt like at least 10min later "drive 18km than turn right" 😁

next year hive fest meet would be nice :)


Yeah, I completely missed my 7 year Hive anniversary this year, which was in June. I realized it about a month later. It does seem forever sometimes, but if I miss a few weeks, I always feel like I've missed so much, it's weird.

Yeah, I know driving in Europe can be like that. I used to drive quite a lot. When I was still living in the Netherlands, I used to drive everywhere, Belgium, Germany, France, Spain, you name it, but that's ages ago. Then I moved to Ireland and drove even more, but only within Ireland and maybe Northern Ireland sometimes. And that's completely different because there's hardly any traffic, so no stress or road rage (which is quite common in the Netherlands). But in Ireland I'd get lost all the time, LOL. I did drive back to the Netherlands via ferry and either France or the UK a few times, which is on a whole other level too. But since I came to Mexico, I have hardly driven any car. I still need to get my Mexican driver's license, which I've been putting off for a long time, but I know I need to get it at some point...Especially since my Irish license has expired now.
Ah well...

Yeah, I know what you mean when it feels like you've been driving for ages, and it's only a few km. It's worse in the UK when it's in miles! It's especially terrible when you really need a break and the next gas station is 10 miles, and then you get there and there's road works, so you have to drive another 20 miles to get to the next one. I've driven with my head out the window before because I was so tired, it was the only way to keep going, haha. I don't miss that!

Next year sounds like a plan!

Traffic and road rage is the reason i prefer driving at night. Yesterday driving home i encountered a highway traffic accident, 3 construction works with 100 of cars in the que, 50min at the border crossing, at one point i though the costumes confiscated all the turn signals at the border... Coming to Split i seen like 50 cars all together till the morning.

Yeah, I usually prefer driving at night, but here in Mexico it's advised not to. Which is fair enough because of the many road works, the weird way the road can go (straight into the jungle if not careful) and no lights anywhere. So if I have to drive here, it's in the day time. But in Europe I definitely prefer night time driving, although I can never get as many hours in, because my eyes strain in the dark.

But wow, that was quite some accident...I hope the people are OK.
LOL. Customs confiscating all the signs. Why not? They probably have them all hanging on their private driveways now LOL.