I'm thinking that taking the premise darkness is the absence of light, that even while doing wrong most people desire good, is being applied to the search for God as the ultimate good and light. This person isn't communicating that right off, but I suspect is the intension.
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Yes.... Let’s Hope so.... I joined his Community “ BIBLE READERS” to share my more Mystical and Gnostic readings of the Bible. I will engage with anyone here. I get so little engagement on my Steemit posts these days .... I welcome a philosophical discussion even with the robots.
i don't think most people desire good, i think they more desire to stay clear from harm and stress :) i don't believe good and/or evil are concepts any human is actually born with, otherwise cultureshock would be a DSM -disease (lol) if you were born in a culture that goes against the genetic imprint (which would be the same in all humans unless you consider pigment = race = species ofc...) that defines good and evil you would have large numbers of 'sick' people (o wait ...
omg ... they're EVERYWHERE !
but no, you know thats not what i mean , you know what i mean if it were innate and not cultural (or fenotypical maybe) then good and bad would make paper law the same all across the globe (and it clearly hasn't)
hence, i shall now rest my case and let it be known and thus said :" i don't actually believe in gods who care" never met one who did and wether one or more exist or not i can only answer with
"i do not know" because thats the only possible truth and anything else is dogma yay or nay

(i should have become a cult-leader or a scientologist gods dam' ... but my freestyling is getting rusty)